Betrayed by Who: Part 1

Começar do início

Her face turned to one of outright furry and she lifted a fist into the air, ready to strike him down where he stood. "Why you—"

"Satis (enough), Sakura."

Both turned at the sound of the voice and her expression immediately softened as the man slowly hobbled his way towards them, stopping just a few feet behind her. "Itachi. I—"

"It's alright. I can take care of things here. Why don't you go and attend to our wounded."


"Vade nunc (go now), Sakura."

She seemed displeased, but finally relented; bowing low in his direction which was a sign of her utmost respect for her beloved leader. "Ut vis (as you wish), Itachi."

With one final glare at Sasuke, she vanished, leaving both him and his brother utterly alone.


The battle raged for several hours, exhausting both of their energy, but finally, Sasuke had managed to gain the upper hand and was one strike away from ending his year's long torment. He readied his fist, the appendage pulsing with a final bout of energy, but as he was ready to inflict the final blow, a powerful whirlwind of Sakura petals danced around them, encroaching on his personal space and he suddenly felt his body being lifted high into the air as a familiar figure came into view.


As he dangled just feet off the ground, unable to break the hold she had on him and unable to find a weak spot in her flower-prison style jutsu, he cautiously watched her as she methodically, stealthily stalked towards him. Her nose was continuously dripping blood, but her eyes held a venom so powerful that any other grown man would have coward in fear. And though he felt an uncomfortable tingle of fear on the back of his neck... the sorcerer's outward appearance remained relatively unfazed; unaffected by her intimidation tactic.

Just like a feline with its prey...she began to play with him; cutting off his airway for moments at a time before allowing him a few deep breaths, before starting the torture all over again. It was at this moment that Sasuke gained immense respect for her craft, but also cursed those who invented it. His hands clutched at his throat as he watched with blurry vision as she bent to inspect her leader and a gentle hand came to rest on his brother's left shoulder, while that same green glow from before bled into his tattered skin.

With very little oxygen left, Sasuke's brain and body began to succumb to the gentle pull of slumber... and he stopped struggling against the strong magic encasing him. The last thing he saw (before he was unceremoniously dumped on the ground) was the pink-haired witchling fall to her knees, before collapsing onto the ground next to the fallen form of his brother.

Everything went black after that.


It seemed as if days had passed before Sasuke woke, but when he did, he realized that he was trapped in one of the old cells in the dungeon of his childhood home. He tried in vain to break free from his shackles, but the attempts were futile and energy draining. The young warlock simply didn't possess the stamina, nor strength to gain enough power to do so, and what little power he was able to conjure up was almost instantaneously absorbed into his bindings. He let out a deep, guttural growl of annoyance, and was startled by a feminine voice that came after the displeasing sound.

"It has to be obvious by now to you that escaping is futile. You must be stupider than I thought to keep attempting it. But keep doing so please because it's quite entertaining to watch."

My Snippets: Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora