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Ring ring.

Jungkook stopped and he suddenly lost the feeling of Soojin's face on his hands.

He heard her rummaging through her bag and the ringing sounded clearer now.

"Let me guess. Yoongi hyung," he presumed.

"You are right," she uttered before answering the call. "Hello?"

"Hey um..."

Soojin softly placed her hand on Jungkook's shoulder, and as he nodded, she stood up and walked over to the nearest tree in front of them.

"Yoongi oppa, what is it?" she asked.

"Did... Mama Woo give you a call?"


"She wanted to meet us in this one restaurant tonight."

Her eyes widened. Suddenly she could feel the tension in her and be nervous simultaneously.

"Oh, no. Is it about us?"

"I-I don't think so, because she told me to wear good clothes. That could only mean, we're meeting someone."

She let out a sigh, all the tension suddenly went away. "Oh... But she never said anything to me."

"Well, maybe she thought I'm with you, so yeah... She did mention taking you as well."

"At what time?" she asked, glancing at her watch.

"7:45 pm?"

In less than three hours. Great.

"That'll do. But... I'll just wear whatever I'm wearing now," she made it clear to him.

"You look good in any clothes, you know that."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Well, where are you right now?"

"Oh, at a park, not far from the place. I'm taking Jungkook and Geumie for a park walk."

"Did he apologize to you?"

She scoffed and glanced over at Jungkook, now playing with Geumie.

"So you told him about my jealousy?"

"Well, if I don't, it won't be settled. I guess everything's okay now."


Soojin placed the supply basket on the floor, right next to the bed. Jungkook sat by the edge silently as he waited for her.

She then moved over to him and touched his arm as she began to explain.

"So, everything's okay now. Your basket is here, I've filled up your necessities. I've refilled your oxygen tank as well, so you can use it for tonight. Water, cooling patch..."

She looked back at him, feeling a bit concerned because she was leaving early for that day.

"Are you going to be fine now?" she asked again for the fourth time.

Jungkook laughed. "Come on, how long have you been doing this for me?"

"Just to remind you. If there's anything, just give me a call. Never hesitate. I'll be right back to help you."

"Alright. Just... enjoy your night with Yoongi hyung."

She smiled, and softly grasped his hand. "Thank you, Jungkook-ssi."

Before she could even let go of his hand, he grabbed her, startling her for a moment there.

"I told you to just call me casually, didn't I?" he smirked, still grabbing her hand. "Just drop the formality."

A Poem for Small Things: Boy With Luv [BTS Jungkook Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora