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=A week later=

"Urgh!" Soojin grumbled, slamming down the kalimba onto the kitchen counter and placing her head on top of it, clearly frustrated.

"Why can't I come up with anything?!" she grunted, sitting back up again as she randomly plucked the kalimba tines, making annoying melodies that had also caught Jungkook's attention from his room.

Slowly, he put up his hands and placed them against the wall, trying to guide himself down the hallway, directly to the kitchen counter, where she was.

"If you're not going to play it in proper tune, best to be quiet and let me be at peace," he said, leaning against the wall, facing the kitchen.

"I don't care."

He sighed and began to walk again, feeling for the couch in the living room. But as he heard the kalimba tines again, he spoke. "I never find it hard to play the kalimba. I played it before."

"Well, try to play it without seeing it," she blurted out, placing down the instrument. But then she noticed him went instantly quiet.

"Ah, I'm uh... I'm so sorry... I-I... I didn't mean to..."

Jungkook immediately walked towards the sliding door, directly out to his front yard, and slammed the door hard behind him.

Oh god, I offended him.

She let out a long sigh when her phone suddenly rang. She looked at the screen, and it was a video call from Yoongi.

She put up her phone against a large cookie jar as she answered the call.

"So, how's it going?"

"I can't come out with anything, oppa," she huffed.

"The kalimba?"

"I've tried playing some tunes, but... nothing came out of it-"

Suddenly a loud bang resonated through the house, making Soojin yelp in shock.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" she shrieked, turning her head to the glass walls, looking out to the front yard.

Where Jungkook had been throwing tennis balls against the glass walls.

She got off the stool and stomped her way to the sliding door. She opened the door and poked her head out.

"Hey, are you mad?! What if the glass breaks?!" she yelled at him as he continued to throw the balls.

Jungkook grabbed a ball tight in his hand and turned his head in the direction of her voice.

"One, yes, I am mad because of what you said to me. Two, that's the highest quality of thick, shock-proof glass, so whenever I get mad, I can do this."

He once again powerfully hurled the ball and it hit the glass hard, its sound resonated again throughout the house.

"You, crazy man! Do whatever you want!" she raged, closing the door behind again as she made her way back to the kitchen counter.

"Well, that's... quite a brat."

"Exactly!" she agreed.

"Now I know the reason why you couldn't come up with anything yet. Anyway, what did you say to him? I heard him earlier. You said something to him that made him mad."

Soojin rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Uh... He was complaining when I was playing the kalimba randomly. He boasted that he had played it before and suddenly I told him to play it without seeing it. You know, he's blind."

A Poem for Small Things: Boy With Luv [BTS Jungkook Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now