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Junghyun was stirring his morning coffee in the kitchen when suddenly his phone rang.

He glanced at the wall clock and after he noticed the time, he immediately knew who was calling.

He placed his mug down onto the counter, where Jungkook was having his breakfast. Junghyun carefully walked back to the guest room down the hallway and answered the call.

"Hey, morning."

"Ah, you're here?" Junghyun asked Soojin, walking farther into the room just to make sure that he couldn't be heard by Jungkook.

"Is he up?"

"Yes, he's in the kitchen."

"Do you think he'll like her?"

"Of course! He had always wanted one."

"Take him to the front yard."

After the short call ended, Junghyun took a deep breath and walked out of the room, back to the kitchen, where his younger brother was still eating.

"Jungkook ah," he called out as he carefully placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder to alert him to his position.

Jungkook slightly turned his head to his brother, and Junghyun could notice his gloomy expression. "What is it, hyung? Is she not coming today?"

"She's here, but she got something for you," Junghyun smiled before he grabbed Jungkook's hand and began to drag him away from his seat.

"What? Hyung, where are we going?"

"Front yard. Don't worry, it's safe for you," Junghyun assured him as he guided the way towards the outside of the house.

Jungkook could feel the morning mist hitting his face and he instantly knew that he was right outside the house now.

"Crouch. Then open your arms," Junghyun instructed him.

Jungkook obeyed and began to crouch on one knee then he opened his arms wide. "Like this- Oh?!"

Suddenly he could feel something fluffy coming up towards him, climbing up to his shoulders, and he immediately recognized it.

"Is this for real?!" he yelled out in joy, pure happiness was visible on his face as he kept on feeling the adorable creature in his arms.

"Yes!" Junghyun cheered.

"A dog?!"


Jungkook further touched the dog and he immediately recognized the breed. "It's a golden retriever! Oh my god, hey fella!"

He finally sat down on the wet grass, giggling as the dog began to lick his face, showing its sincere affection.

"Can I really keep it?" he asked, hugging the dog tightly in his arms.

"It's yours!" Soojin suddenly spoke, chuckling as she crouched down next to him and petted the dog.

Jungkook let the dog be freed from his hug as he turned to Soojin. "Where did you get it?"

"Oh, yesterday there was a program at the community care center. And they offered adoptions. So I decided to adopt one for you since your brother here told me that you have always wanted one. Plus, she's a service dog, so she'll help you a lot," Soojin smiled, softly stroking the dog.


"Yeah. She's going to be a great companion-"

Soojin froze and sat on the wet grass when suddenly Jungkook threw his arms around her, embracing her in a warm hug. "...Oh."

She glanced up at Junghyun, who gave her a confused look, and he only shrugged his shoulders.

"Thank you so much. Thank you," Jungkook softly whispered into her hair.

Not knowing that Soojin was feeling tingly all over her body because of this close contact.

And she knew her heartbeat rapidly when her breath staggered, but she managed to compose herself around him.

"O-Oh, n-no problem," she awkwardly laughed, as they pulled away from the hug. "Oh, um... You should decide the name."

Soojin took his hand in hers and placed it on the dog. Jungkook then kept on stroking the dog's body, letting the long golden fur go in-between his fingers smoothly.

"A name... What should I name you?" he mumbled to himself before suddenly blurting out, "Geumie."


"Gold in Korean. 'Geum'."

"That's brilliant. Geumie ah, take very good care of your owner here, will you?" Soojin smiled, petting the dog's head softly before she turned back to Jungkook.

"I had everything prepared. Dog supplies, I mean. I got her food, also a big cot for her to sleep. Some toys as well. Maybe we can spend time training her today?"

"Yes, I would love that," Jungkook grinned, finally standing up with his hands still on the dog and he began to walk around the wide yard with Geumie as his guidance.

"Well, I told ya he would like it," Junghyun smiled, giving his hand to Soojin.

She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up to stand back. "Thank you Junghyun-ssi, for letting me get him a dog," she smiled.

"As long as he's happy, like how he used to be," he said, almost whispering as his eyes were glued onto happy Jungkook, still busy playing with the dog.

"Thank you for getting his smile back. It's a relief to see that part of him again," he softly thanked Soojin as he turned to her. "He really never complained about you. In the past, he kept complaining to me about the previous caregivers."

"What actually the previous ones had done to him?"

His face contorted as he stared at Jungkook, seemingly confused. "I'm not sure, he never told me in detail. He just said that he didn't want them anymore, that's all."

"There's a high chance that he was traumatized by something," Soojin suggested, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked over at Jungkook. "Not by the accident in the past, but... by these caregivers. You want me to talk about it with him?"

"What if he got irritated by it and started to hate you again?"

"That's fine with me. If he wants me to go, there's Geumie for him. For his anxiety, having a golden retriever is one of the best treatments."

Junghyun let out a sigh of relief. "Oh god, I really like you."

That caught her off guard. Her head immediately snapped over to him, "S-Sorry, what?"

Seeing her reaction, he chuckled. "I mean... You're the best caregiver I've ever hired. You're also a psychologist and a pianist. You also knew almost everything."

She sighed and giggled at his compliment. "Oh, stop, don't exaggerate. I'm not perfect at everything."

He sniggered and shifted his eyes at his younger brother again, this time slowing down and crouching down next to Geumie, stroking his new pet.

"Look at him," he whispered and smiled at the new view before he cleared his throat. "Well, I have to go now, Soojin-ssi."

"Jungkook ah, I'm going," Junghyun called out to Jungkook, right when he was walking towards him with the dog's guidance.

Jungkook nodded his head and smiled. "Okay, hyung. Be careful on your way."


Sometimes filler chapters annoy me because it can become either a good or a bad one, then it kinda messes up with my anxiety more.

Anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter! ^^

Borahae, Nana <3

A Poem for Small Things: Boy With Luv [BTS Jungkook Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now