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Yoongi let out a long huff, as he nervously fiddled with his fingers, standing outside of Soojin's place, waiting for her to come out after ringing the bell earlier.

As he heard the sound of the doorknob rattling, he straightened himself up and the door finally opened.

Soojin in a maroon satin evening dress appeared with simple makeup on her face, making his heart race.

"Hey," he breathed out, extending his hand out to her. "You're so beautiful tonight."

"Thank you," she giggled, taking his hand in hers.

After making sure that the door was locked, both of them began to walk toward the elevator lobby.

"I told you that I can come to your place alone," Soojin said, as they entered the elevator.

"What kind of boyfriend would do that?" Yoongi smirked.

"Sheesh. So, what did you make for dinner?"

"Hm... It's something that you can get from an expensive restaurant, but this is far more expensive because I cooked it for you," he smiled, placing a light kiss on her head.

"Yeah, right," she scoffed.


"Mm, mmh. You do have wine," Soojin hummed, as she watched Yoongi walk to the living area with a bucket of ice with a bottle of fine wine in it.

"Of course I do," he chuckled, placing the bucket at the other end of the coffee table.

"I thought you didn't."

He picked up the glasses and handed one to her. "They help me when I'm stuck with work."

"Really?"  she giggled, sitting up straight as Yoongi popped open the wine and poured it into her glass first.

"Not too much, I had to go to work tomorrow, remember?" she reminded him.

"Right. One glass only."

After pouring some into his glass, he placed the bottle back into the bucket and took the spot next to her on his sofa.

They clinked their glasses together before they began to take sips.

"It has been a while since the last time I had wine," Soojin exhaled, placing the glass down at the table. "There are so many things happening during this past few weeks. Including us."

She stared at him in silence, as he was staring at his glass, looking troubled and she noticed it.

She scooted closer to him and whispered, "What is it?"


"I can see that you're troubled inside," she uttered, grabbing his glass and placing it down on the table. "Come on, tell me. Is it about us that you're thinking about?"

"I'm still thinking if... If we really don't work out," he began, then he sighed nervously, "will we still look at each other like what we used to be?"

"We promised that, didn't we? At least we tried," she whispered, grabbing his hand reassuringly. "Are you having doubts about me?"

"Not you," he sighed, shaking his head as he placed his other hand on hers, "but me."


"When... before 'us' happened, you knew that I was always being flirty to you and all. I love you, of course."

"It feels like we still have that feeling of 'friend love only', right?"

Hearing this from Soojin, Yoongi let out a relieved sigh, knowing that he wasn't the only one to have that feeling,

A Poem for Small Things: Boy With Luv [BTS Jungkook Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now