(S3-C31) • Another Wave Tossed in the Ocean •

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Cheers rained down on everyone as they got off the new castle. Vines began growing around it to hold it in place, as if becoming a ruined structure just distant to Barkingburg's Castle. Sprouted around it were green saplings, preparing for the day it would cover the entirety through a thick forest. Even the magic had style at the moment of disappearing.

Among who Chase could see were Ryder and Antonio, who each had an arm wrapped around one another as they walked, supporting their ability to stand. They probably had an agreement after a long-fought combat. The countless guards stuck in the flying castle also walked side by side, quick on removing their armours before they rushed to their loved ones. Lovers, wives, husbands, sons and daughters, as well as parents. To those who lack any, they turned to one another and gave the most wholesome smiles and laughs. They were all simply glad to be alive despite everything.

Looking over everyone by climbing a nearby boulder, Chase observed the authorities present. Firefighters, police, doctors, they were doing their job to help the people of the kingdom. There was nothing to worry about now, for they were all safe.

"This has been a rollercoaster of a day." The battered Alejandro limped towards the middle of the crowd, turning to Chase. "We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for one pup. We all owe our thanks to him."

Chase beamed. "No, we owe our thanks to everyone. Each of us did our part in trying to help others, even when we were in danger ourselves. Because of that, the damage was kept at minimum. I may have garnered the spotlight but let's put our hands together for the real heroes, ourselves, even if we peed our pants a little."

Everyone raised their hands and clapped, some whistling and some cheering. The light weight in the air was to die for, and everyone could use a break after everything.

"But who will lead us now?"

A question came from the crowd, silencing the celebration. Chase turned to his side to see no one when he expected a pup. He did notice, however, a close presence behind him, in which he turned even more. There, Sweetie had her head down, making herself small.

"What's wrong?" Chase said.

"I'm not fit to be the next ruler. I have made so many mistakes and I remain with a personality difficult to tolerate. I don't want to end up like Coraline… the thought of hurting others makes me feel—"

"Hey, it's all right," Chase tried to calm the Terrier. "It's a big job for a small pup… a small-er pup," he added, the sad Sweetie unable to help but playfully punch his arm, causing some giggles. "After everything you've shown me, I don't think there's anyone else deserving to be a ruler than you. On the outside, you may be a bit overbearing but if you are in a situation where you have to make an important decision, you always stop to think about what you must do."

"That's untrue, we're in this mess because of me."

"We're in this mess because you're unfortunately someone who holds great power that others can use. It wasn't your fault," Chase tried. "You've forgiven me after everything. You've spared Beatrice when she betrayed you, she told me that when she helped me remove the sword in my chest. You even spared the world despite everything it dumped on you."

Sweetie's gazes were inconsistently thrown everywhere, avoiding eye contact, and the emotions began flowing out. Chase decided to put a paw on her shoulder, causing her to stare at him.

"The orb chose you because you had the strongest drive for change due to the thought of what happened to me. I'm sure it's not only me either, for you wanted to end the world and save people from their suffering. If that idea holds true, then I'm sure with good guidance, you'll be able to be a great leader, and I'll be there beside you every step of the way."

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