(S3-C19) • Waiting on the Sun •

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Chase's legs wobbled like jelly, throwing his head everywhere. He looked like a drunkard, just without alcohol intake. The trees never ended and he had to look behind him every so often to ask himself if he was going the right way. However, there wasn't a 'right way'. There was only the forest he entered which led him to nothing.

It's been three days. He didn't know where to go while he trudged forth, his stomach asking him to sit down to rest the soreness and fill his desire to feast. The only food that ever pampered his tongue though were berries and he even got sick from the most recent. He felt cold but his temperature was increasing by the hour. It didn't even seem like there was a pharmacy for miles.

"PAW Patrol," he growled.

"Royalty," he snarled.

"Sweetie," he grumbled.

"Everyone and everything left as I expected. They need me more than I need them, that's the truth."

Accidentally taking a step on a rock, he slipped, his blurry vision focusing from the sudden movement, falling down the hill he knew just now, for he rolled down the steepness, all his limbs close to him to protect himself. He stopped at the bottom of the landmass, the white leaves of the trees that fell to the brown ground becoming his bed. "Ouch," he moaned, trying to stand up but he couldn't. There was a sharp pain in the ankle of his left rear leg. He wished he could just cut it off and be on his way, crawling to the trunk of the nearest tree to rest his furry back.

I'm dying. He admired the wounds he got from the fall around his front limbs. A few more to add to the collection after he went through thorny bushes and even got attacked by a jaguar which he barely escaped from, ripping the top of his right ear, which already clotted but not without an infection that caused the veins around it to blacken, and the pain would've been excruciating if he cared for it.

He looked up at the sky, bright as it could ever be. He purposely expressed disgust as he stared. "Why does everything need to be so colourful?"

Laying for what felt like half an hour, Chase chanted a sad version of his team's song made by the citizens of Adventure Bay for them. It was supposedly a happy song that everyone could smile and raise their hands to celebrate with. Now, it was just an empty tune.

The neck pain Chase endured started to become unbearable. "Hurry up for my sake. Just end me already," he argued with the sky, throwing a pile of leaves at it, which only blew against the wind and landed on his face, causing him to sigh. He foresaw an empty future riddled with nothing but wasted tears and resonating pain, leeching him for all his worth. He didn't even have the strength to accept a new day, record a new awful memory on display, or even trudge through a new path he could run. Most of all, he was sick of waiting on the sun.

"You're giving up?" Chase heard with his good ear, focusing in front of him to see Sweetie.

"Oh, put a cap on it. Can you just go away? You haven't paid rent."

"I cannot leave you in this state, Chase."

Chase's vein bloated in response. "I can imagine you for all I care but you're a fake. A phony. An imposter that just tries to motivate me but in reality, is a selfish little thief that wants nothing to do with his former best friend. I don't want you here, you can perish for all I care."

The white pup lowered her head from the reply, seeming hurt. "What happened to the Chase I admired? The one who would stand up for what is right? The one who would rescue anyone no matter who they are and what situation they are in-"

"Dead, dead, and dead! Get it through that thick skull of yours you traitor."

Sweetie's eyebrows came closer together, almost touching as she wore a frown that sealed her desire to sob. "I care about you, Chase."

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