(S2-C7) • The Worlds Hidden in Pages •

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Sweetie's paws were silent and on the move, creeping from one doorless room to the next like a prey in hiding, tumbling across hallways with ears alert and eyes wandering for a preferable location to stay. Reaching a room farthest in the corner, she found the perfect spot, hopping onto a wooden stool inside which she barely reached, having need to use her claws that marked the flat surface in an attempt to bring herself up.

Ha! He won't get me up here! she thought with a cheeky giggle, hopping onto a wooden shelf that was stuck on the wall. It was small but acted as a platform, connecting more shelves to each other in a rising diagonal as a design that became her bridge for her foolproof plan. Climbing up and pushing the organized books slightly off their place-still lined up-Sweetie wiggled her way through her chosen path behind the items, hearing the young voice of a pup saying, "Ready or not, here I come!"

Immediately, she quickened her pace up the shelves, keeping caution to avoid any items from falling and exposing her hiding spot, especially with the sharp ears her playmate had.

Upon reaching the end, it felt as if it wasn't a good enough place to stay silent, yet what choice does she have? Another shelf, which was the highest among the rest, was pinned alone, separated as the painting of The Princess sitting with her hands on her lap hung there, filling the empty wall between the platforms. In order to reach the other end, one had to jump.

"Sweetie, you there? Come out, come out wherever you are," the far away voice portrayed the intent of continuing the hunt, the sound of cabinets opening from another room crossing Sweetie's ears. Time was ticking.

She looked down below, her vision wobbling a bit out of fear of falling if she tried to leap to the other side despite the soft cushion that she thought was under her. However, she didn't want to be caught, which made her believe. She could make it to the other side if she could convince herself, and so she took a deep breath and persuaded her mind of the possibility.

She crouched down, facing the other shelf that she eyed intensely, her surroundings disappearing similar to gunfight scenes in the western culture, keeping full concentration.

I can do this.

In a pouncing position, Sweetie readied her hind legs. They tapped the wooden beneath for the perfect spot that would help her confidence, thinking of how proud she would be once she reached the other side and the seeker wouldn't be able to do anything but give up his search, acknowledging her as the winner. Just that thought caused her blood to rush, along with the exciting game they were playing.

Then, she exerted all the force in her body, the wind feeling on her as she felt like she was flying, a determined smile worn as she saw how she was about to reach the shelf. Victory was hers, but to her surprise, her focus shook as the targeted platform started to move higher for some reason, until she realized it wasn't the shelf that was moving, but rather her world slowly plummeting down as she closed her eyes, waiting for impact.

The seeker heard a small shriek and the thudding of an object, finding himself giggling to the thought of what Sweetie might've broken this time. Probably a pricey artifact? It would be better to see it for himself, and so he immediately rushed into the room where he picked up the sound, looking from left to right in search of her. "Hello? Sweetie?" he called, his fur almost jumping off of him from the startling sound of banging coming from the chest on one side of the room.

"Help me! Somebody help me, please! Get me out of here!" a female cried from the inside, the top of the closed chest opening just slightly before closing as immediate with her every push, and it sprouted worry for the male, who quickly came to her and helped push open the top of the container to get her out.

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