(S3-C28) • Dark Age No More •

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That one horrifying smile plunged heavy darkness into everyone's hearts. They were insects in comparison to the ever-rising aura that came from Sweetie… or whatever's left of her inside that sticky shell that ate her whole.

"My, my, what strange strength I have," she cooed in her distorted vocals. She raised and clenched one of her paws, as if trying to have a feel of what she now possessed, for she was a being of infinite capabilities. Capabilities the mortal minds would require thousands of years to grasp. Even Chase had no idea on how to take in the situation.

They all caught Coraline standing up, facing her empowered pooch, who looked back with equal detest through her white, hollow eyes. Chase tried to tell the human to stay down but he couldn't move himself. Sweetie's new found existence was an unprecedented abomination; an appalling deformation of life, and a birth that kept him from taking crucial action.

"You," the human princess pointed with a finger bound to be cut off. "You're here because of me. The reason you have that power is because of me. In return, become my servant and help me lead the new world for—"

"Indeed, you are the reason for my creation." The ominous black pup replied.

Coraline beamed with delight upon the response. "So you'll help me?"

What came next was a slow shaking of head. Sweetie's mouth never moved yet her voice was loud and dominant. "My vessel is filled with the most pure of emotions, sighted to accomplish one task alone. Something locked in our heart with near impossibility to alter. It is the perfect body for us to harness. Coincidentally, this body feels similar to my previous host, although we only became one for a few good minutes."

The being spoke in different pronouns and perspective, as if it was two different yet same individuals with one mind, structuring their sentences with equal questionability.

"Who is this 'we'?" Diane demanded, earning a bone-shaking chuckle.

"The one who resides in the orb and the vengeful pup that showed potential. We share thoughts and experiences, although some memories and information are locked away from each other by our personal choice—a choice of confidentiality. She is me, and I am her, for we are one. We are the most powerful." The proclaimed mixture of pup and orb raised a paw, a black spear forming in their paws. They cocked their arm backwards, and within that second, Chase braced himself.

"We are The Emperor!"

A loud bang took over the place and a prolonged ringing sound bounced inside Chase's ears. For a moment, he could inhale dust. When he finally got back to his senses, he turned his head to his right. Alejandro and Diane held one another as they fell a great continuous fall. Chase turned to the other side where Coraline was diving headfirst, her closed eyes marking her unconscious.

"So that's just it then?" Chase looked up to the sky, the castle becoming smaller and smaller. His friends were still up there, trying to save people when currently, they had no way so save themselves. Those on the ground were going to witness destruction, trauma inevitable as the new ruler of the world held their head high with power and a single goal, whatever that goal was.

Chase asked himself how many times he was in a life-and-death situation, it was ridiculously and annoyingly repetitive. How many times he wanted to let go and the same many times he failed to do so. He guessed that giving up just wasn't in his blood, requiring merely pushes to give him strength to stand on his four feet again. However, no matter how hopeful he was, he was powerless against the supernatural. Much less, Sweetie herself. He regretted getting mad at her, and now, he couldn't even apologize for leaving her again. First was for his selfishness, second was for his cowardice. For the third and final time, he died in front of her. He couldn't bear the thought of Sweetie being alone in such a cold, unforgiving world that reeks survival of the fittest, nor have her alter it as she stood with no one to cloak her in warmth when everything became heavy. The world turned its back on her, and now, it shall endure her wrath.

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