(S1-C13) • Celebration •

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Maria, wearing a small black pup-pack she took from the other pair's room, had been traveling through the city with an anxious expression, scrutinizing around every corner. She wore her previous clothing, tucking her presence away from the crowd. In her constant search for her friends, she tends to avoid large groups of people, fearing any suspicion that may exploit her identity. It was the least she needed to focus on but once the locals come around her due to her high position in society, she'll have a harder time getting the gang back together.

"Pups, where have you gone to?" she asked herself, casually strolling by the sidewalk and giving waves to people whenever she could, known to her that she hid herself pretty well.

Her mind brought up the images of her friends. What possible dangers could be happening to them was for her to worry about, yet they weren't pleasant imaginations. Even if she tries to make the world a better place, venomous creatures would forever trek the land. Truly, the best method to prevent disaster was to avoid it or suffer the consequences.

She was brought back to life by a shout, even halting the few people near her, turning to a shop with dazzling drinks displayed.

The door opened with the sound of a small bell, and out came a grumbling Sweetie, her eyes focused on the ground. Multiple whispers came from her as she sat down near the doorway of the building she just left, pinching the bridge of her nose before groaning. For Maria though, it was a symbol of relief. However, she wished it was someone else, the thought bringing heat up to her cheeks and her tail wagged faster.

"Swee-I mean, Hannah." Maria tapped the sidewalk a few times, catching the attention of the Terrier. With the Shiba Inu approaching, Sweetie sighed, shaking her head. "First 'Rachel' now 'Hannah'?" she said in a hushed tone, raising an eyebrow from all the made-up names for her whenever the public were present.

"Sorry." Maria smiled awkwardly, adding, "So... where's Chase?"

Speak of the devil, the door beside them opened again, ringing once more. Sweetie turned her gaze away from the individual that came out, whose left cheek was red and covered by his own paw.

"Oh my! What happened?" Maria held Chase's free paw, earning a bungling giggle. She used her own pad, checking the sore surface on the pup's face as Chase spoke, "Note to self: don't make Sweetie mad."

Sweetie harrumphed like a little girl that didn't get what she wanted for Christmas, and if her friends could sweatdrop, they would from the sulky attitude, the people around them returning to themselves to mind their own business.

"What did you do?" Maria turned her head to the Shepherd.

Chase moved his muzzle to the pup's ear, hoping not to be prized with another beating for talking crudely, lectured by Teacher Sweetie. "I just said she was jealous."

"Well, Chase. You hit the bullseye."

With a questioning look from the brown male, the princess elucidated, "Sweetie hates negative attributes being fact-hammered at her. Else, she wouldn't have sent her paw across your cheek, would she?"

"Yeah, I get that. I shouldn't have assumed." Chase gently punched himself on his temple, his mouth lining uneven for feeling such a jerk.

"No," Maria frantically waved her paws in rejection, correcting her say, "She slapped you for telling her the truth of her personality."

"Are you two done now?" impatiently, Sweetie chipped in, her eyes now tilted down the road—a sorry expression on her face. The Shiba Inu raised a paw, lightly karate chopping the pup's head as she continued to look apologetic, earning a squeak. It was an awkward situation all and all for the motherly figure, but there was no better way to show her care than at the moment, hugging both the pups.

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