(S3-C26) • Let Down Your Pride •

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The sunlight was now bright orange. Everything reflected in the same hue; the broken shards of windows, the natural bodies of water, the sky with the floating castle. Chase felt the grass once again, the regretful Pomeranian standing beside him as they stood on the hill in front of Barkingburg's Castle. Their mouths parted from the battle barely visible. Armies of two kingdoms were having at it with all their might.

"We need to stop Coraline. Fast," Chase exclaimed, running down the dirt path into town.

Anarchy was everywhere. People were running for their lives in knowledge of what chaos they were in and the lack of protection they were given-literally nothing. Babies and young children alike cried for their homes and adults argued against one another. A conversation the Shepherd caught was how one young boy proclaimed that their princess abandoned them and the second, older female retaliated with a hold on his collar, saying that they should stay home and trust her. Chase got in-between the two and broke them up, yet in return, they told him to mind his own business.

"The nerves of these people," Chase whispered, the smaller pup coming to his side.

"You can't blame them, war is by their front door. Without someone to lead them or influence a calm atmosphere they'll continue to spread the disruption of peace. If one person panics, everyone does."

"Can we do nothing about it?" Chase gritted his teeth, earning a slow shake of head.

A strong vibration in the ground caused them to drop to their knees. A few seconds later, an explosion occurred, coming from the floating castle where debris came falling out on the broken wall. The two pups had no idea what was going on. It was clear that they had to keep their guard up.

"Look out!" A civilian's panic caused Chase to turn, seeing a kid on the sidewalk about to be crushed by a large chuck of a building above him. He couldn't move, the surprise overtook his response to save the little boy. His body refused to listen to him. Despite that, a brown fluff jumped into the danger in his place, saving the kid from his undeserved demise.

"It looks like the people aren't the only ones who have panic in their hearts," Beatrice said.

"This situation is ridiculous. In all my life, I've never thought something like this could happen."

Chase received a face of sympathy.

"You are afraid. I am too. But we can't save everyone if we choose to become sheep among the flock. We must hold the rod and lead them away from the danger, even if it means risking our lives for it with no proper equipment fit for the job. That is what being a hero is all about, not just a rescuer."

Chase's eyes turned down to the grey road. "You know my responsibilities better than me, and you were the villain here."

"I didn't want to be."

The atmosphere became a little bitter after that last reply, although it faded away due to the need to reach their goal. They passed through the city with nimble legs, reaching the end of it to get the closest yet safest view on the floating castle. There was a small hill through the broken wall of the city which they could climb on, although they still needed a way to get onto the castle.

"We got some food here, please take as much as you need."

Chase's ears lifted after the appreciative response given to the one who spoke first. His head turned with heaviness in his chest, for behind him was a firetruck he didn't notice, with a design he would always recognize, and the Dalmatian was in the cockpit.

"Chase? What's wrong?"

Chase gulped, pulling Beatrice to hide behind the same broken wall they were heading to, technically outside the premises of Barkingburg, peeking through to watch how Marshall helped the civilians.

Cherish || A Chase x Sweetie Fanfiction ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz