(S1-C6) • Suspicion •

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The roaring gale of jet engines cursed the sands to soar, and the wide, uncrowded location spiffed with reflective glows of the white particles being blown. The motors were loud, hence symbolizing the arrival—and most importantly—the personal presence of three royals of greatly praised, distinct kingdoms. Their image would forever grace those who come in contact, may it be sight or touch or through breathing the same oxygen, and what splendid value it would hold to them, viewing the bunch like they're the rarest material in the world.

The whirring of the turbo blades rested into a diminuendo, all down to a whistle, reaching much quieter by the second. Slowly, the dwindling noise was replaced with the constant flow of wind and waves sliding back and forth by the beach side. The light rays were golden, having arrived at the perfect period in time, the clouds of heaven opening up as the ramp of the metal bird angled down, allowing the mobility of the group inside to be free to their own free will.

"Oh?!" Alejandro gasped, his boots sinking on his first step on the unfamiliar terrain, acting like a child on his first time in an amusement park; his beam never faltering.

The firm stand of the aerial transportation,  despite perching on unstable ground, stood still, a few as less than a dozen butlers surrounding the mechanical creation, some patiently waiting by the entrance of the machinery to welcome the expected guests. "They put up quite a greeting here, I see." Ryder observed, the tan Princess waving her gloved hand as she became the last to walk down the diagonal platform. "This place is beautiful," she uttered, inquisitively searching for their sanctuary to rest in, resulting in a failed scan.

One of the female butlers approached them, bowing down in an apology to the inconvenience before raising an arm straight to her side, leading to a dirt pathway through the jungle. The entrance to it had men in black suits, shades blinding any possible view of their eyes as they were perceived as the planned escorts. The Princess nodded, synchronizing her steps with the butler that led them.

The group's expectations were scored successfully in their books, admiring the proper protocols and style of sending hospitality. For Alejandro alone, actually. The other three were more inclined to the thought of what to do after reaching their resting place.

"I've predicted the two of you would argue on what would be better suited for us during our time of merriment..." the Princess claimed, catching the two off guard. "So I booked a private beach house that had a great view of the ocean."

"Yes!" The uptight prince raised his fit in triumph, clasping his hands into a rub before grinning towards the losing female. He added a mocking shrug, enjoying his win on the preference, only to be taken aback by an insertion of another sentence. "But we're going to bathe along the waves with the foreigners and the few residents of the island."

The personal opinions of what the earlier cat-and-dog wanted—and hated—had collided and blended, unable for them to speak up due to fact that the Princess chose the best possible action to attain their wishes. It wasn't their ideal trip but all they could do was behave accordingly until the end. They, at least, got half of what they asked for.

With Alejandro and Diane pondering hard to find good reasons to just accept their partial allowance, Ryder just hummed the theme song he made for his pups. This simple tune piqued the attention of the Princess, who walked up to follow him by his side. "We haven't really talked much, have we, Ryder?"

Hearing the disappearance of the word, 'Prince' made the boy smile. "Since you've dropped the formality with me, I'll approach you with the same method. Would that be suitable?"

The Princess hummed with a single nod as a response, Ryder giggling to the childish expression. Her cheeks were puffy now he was allowed to stare, not even worried about getting lost in their tracks because of their guide. In that case, a small conversation wouldn't hurt even when in the presence of a princess, and it might even ease their boredom.

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