(S1-C9) • Hidden Desires •

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"Come on, pups! I'm starving," a hungry announcement overlapped through the huge, empty space that could fit dozens of people. Observable that the night they had couldn't consume the powerful lights of the Lookout, it was fitting to be called home through and through.

"You'we always hungwy, Wubble." Zuma entered the automatic doors, followed by a tiny Cockapoo and a rolling ball of white that toppled the two off their feet, sending them flying to the side before crashing at the elevator's entrance. "Hey, who left a banana peel there?" Marshall, his world upside down and his body inclined, peeked through to see the fruit's skin lying on the ground. "I'll pick that up," a voice came from inside, padding to the outdoors with a mechanical claw out of his pup-pack, taking the yellow covering and hooping it to the trash bin next to the tower's doors. After a small giggle, Marshall replied, "Thanks, Rocky. Why are you still wearing your gear?"

"Well, with Ryder and Chase gone, no one would clean the place up. I took the initiative." Rocky retracted his claw back before fleeing to a nearby beanbag, mercilessly body slamming the pitiful rest place with a sigh. "It sure is tiring."

Amused, Marshall praised, "As expected from our recycling pup. Always on the go."

"You mean green means go!" Rocky said.

Everyone got out laughing from the mentioning of the famous catchphrase, debut from the first day of the mixed being in the team. Rocky really was a planned pup, able to prove himself more than anyone using precision and accuracy. Unsurprisingly, a poster was walled up in his pup-house with a quote from Abraham's Lincoln himself: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

"Now let's eat! I'm hungry myself," Skye affirmed with a cute grumble of her tummy, causing her to shy away with tiny steps. Everyone shared another batch of fun, yet Rocky only smiled understandingly. "Sure, Skye. We can eat now."

It didn't take long for their puppy bits to arrive in their bowls. However, a distinct mound of brown which was taller than the others' got every pup wondering. "Why is Skye's meal bigger than ours?" Rubble asked, all heads facing Rocky, who zipped the bag of food. "Unlike Ryder, I think it'll be better to give pups, who went on missions, a good serving. Skye did save Mr. Porter's cake today."

"It was supposedly a picnic, but Alex accidentally wrapped too many balloons on the picnic basket." Skye was solely adjured to do the task, requesting her due to the mission needing the equipment suitable to save something that was flying. It was a scenario that could've been prevented, which itched irritation in the female pup's head. "Just a wegular day of being Alex, huh?" Zuma joked, receiving shaking heads and faint giggles before the group began to enjoy their meals, Rubble already halfway finished.

They were happy with each other and they felt it wholly. Their team had been together for quite some time and their bond was anything but breakable, especially due to the leadership of their human. Every success was rewarded and any mistakes were forgiven, since everyday is a learning process.

After a few minutes of cleaning bowls and the surroundings, everyone gathered around the observatory on the top floor of the Lookout, bringing some beanbags and blankets to confront the cold. Their tails wagged from the time of the night, Marshall doing the honours of pressing a blue button on the control panel, lowering a big television screen as the others prepared their spots to lie down.

The instant the screen lit up, an overjoyed canine greeted them with his tongue out and his brown eyes staring at them with excitement, with the blaring of rides in the background.

"Hey, Chase!" All the pups greeted, Rubble cringing from the loudness of a coaster's forced turns. It didn't take longer than a few seconds for the team to figure out the whereabouts of their friend. "Aww, Chase, I always wanted to go to an amusement park." Skye pouted, imagining how fun it would be when carried by the extreme rides. Her helicopter was an exception, she grew up riding it and gave no real danger to her now. "Someday, Skye," the Shepherd promised, putting a paw up his chest, "I'll bring you to one."

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