(S3-C10) • Date Night •

252 11 75

Chase's fur wished for the touch of wind, kept away by the same black suit the pup wore the whole day, although it was a cleaner one. He wouldn't dare remove it on dangerous grounds, for his hidden identity was vital for many reasons.

On the sidewalk, shoes and flip-flops clopped from the passing citizens, the Shepherd's keen eyes staring at a restaurant from atop of the hill of the road he was on. His thoughts told him of who awaits from within the building, and although it wasn't a romantic occurrence, Chase couldn't help but gulp. He would've gladly accepted it if it was another pup. Even Sweetie would've been an easier individual to accept a date with, yet Maria? His eyebrows felt wiggly from the mere idea. There were many uncovered expectations.

I don't want to keep her waiting.

He took a deep breath and he began walking down the hill, dodging the path of any who goes against his own direction so as to avoid bumping and causing trouble, until he arrived at the threshold of the restaurant. The large, fixed windows were like that of a fancy diner, laying rectangular to cover each front side. There were green awnings—right triangles made of vinyl fabric—that kept cover of the lights beneath them, giving display to the building. The door itself was of decent framework, covered in a shining, bitter brown wood with all but four separated squares of glass on the top part. Also, a doggy door. It felt cozy for a restaurant.

Entering through the doggy door, Chase's eyes feasted upon the roundish, metal tables in the middle of the dining room with round chairs surrounding them, usually four or two. Black and gold checkered tiles filled the floor and posters about the best deals in the place screamed to persuade the passersby.

"Peregrine, yoo-hoo!" Chase's alias was mentioned, turning to his side to catch a Shiba Inu waving at him, her dress quite surprising. The brown pup didn't completely understand what was particularly wrong about it though. It might be because of how she wore nothing to cover her identity or because she was frustratingly eye-catching with that tight, light green outfit and black handbag, but he just shrugged the thought off.

Chase hopped onto the red couch of a seat, worthy for two, which was the same on Maria's side. They were at a window next to the storefront. A rectangular table stood in front of them, with two menus, a tissue box, and a cartoonish character design on top. It was the familiar head of a bald man with a mustache, who is also the owner of the restaurant.

"Were you here for long?"

Maria's head shook no to the question, her tiara, which was the only wear that didn't match with her outfit's colour, glimmering from the hanging lights chained to the ceiling. "I arrived just a few minutes ago, and I wouldn't mind waiting for you. I knew you wouldn't leave me here."

"Uh, yeah..." Chase's awkward laugh was returned with a convincingly gleeful giggle, causing his mouth to slip a true curve from under his mask.

"You're smiling, aren't you, Peregrine?"

Taken aback, Chase asked, "How did you know?"

"For one: you're probably not good at keeping secrets," Maria shamed playfully, her date's head hanging low in embarrassment from realization of his admittance. "I figured it out from your cheeks."

Maria raised a paw, pointing at the space just under her eye, giving a small smile to show the tiny muscle movement that happens when one expresses their happiness.

"You're well-educated in the art of body language, although I assume that's what every royalty needs to undergo through in order to be crowned."

The golden pup nodded. "I'm guessing you know that fact from your friend, Sweetie. She is your friend, right?"

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