(S2-C5) • A Sparkle Supposed for Another •

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Maria's ears were hit with an abrupt shatter of glass, immediately rushing to the familiar room with her voice on edge: "Sweetie, are you okay?"

Pupils landing on her friend, she took notice of her widened eyes as Sweetie stepped away from the pieces of broken porcelain in front of her. Her small voice came out to apologize but it cracked mid-sentence, stumbling continuously with her words right after. She couldn't even form a single one, yet her jaws kept moving in her feeble attempt.

Before Maria could even react, the sun made it clear that Sweetie was in trouble based on the salty liquid coming out of her eyes.

"Why am I crying?" she asked audibly, having no inward emotions for a second, yet as soon as she noticed herself, the melancholy struck her. Her knees shook as she kept swiping away the rivers on her face, until she felt the bottled feelings about to burst, and she couldn't help but ask herself what she was feeling.

Maria hushed quietly, taking her friend within her arms where Sweetie buried her face to control her sobbing noise. You've been burning yourself out these past few days and your often pacing shows your clear anxiousness.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." The Terrier kept repeating her apologies, confusing the Shiba Inu about who she's asking forgiveness for. To herself? To Maria? The Princess? Or perhaps him, to the Shepherd she always insulted? In any case, the golden fluffball wouldn't dare let go. Not like she could if she wanted, for Sweetie's paws clung to her desperately as if she was about to be abandoned. If only the bigger pup knew.

"What's wrong?" Maria flipped the lever to mother mode like everytime when her friends were down. It was greatly effective in solving situations. However, this scenario was a whole lot different than what normal circumstances they would find in their lives.

"Did I do something wrong, Maria?" Sweetie's lips quivered within her convulsive gasps, becoming a difficulty to perceive due to the stutters yet the friend heard it just fine.

"If we are to include your absence of a smile," she replied, "yes, you're committing a crime."

"You goof."

It was no wonder how easily Maria could cheer her friends up. Sweetie even felt her cheeks rise ever so slightly from the joke that came out of nowhere, and she was glad despite her sadness.

The clock's longer hand turned and turned, Beatrice even supposed to bring some cake for the three of them within that time, already nomming on her slice, until she saw the scene through a peek in which she left.

A few more sweet minutes, Sweetie finally stood up from her furry pillow, sniffing. She then thanked her friend as she wasn't composed, about to receive a "welcome" until someone bashed open the door. The Terrier felt inclined to punish the human right then and there but his sudden words sparked incredulity; unable to believe the revelation, the stress finding habitat within her once more.

The castle gates opened, followed by a crowd of both heavy and lightly armed knights, synchronized in every step. Behind the crowd were the workers and gardeners, who gasped and turned away from horror of who they brought in.

Sweetie, despite the Princess's wishes, sat on the throne like the matriarch she temporarily was, waiting patiently for the subject to arrive. He was bound with chains yet was still able to walk, the littlest push causing him to hobble though. His head was tilted down and looked to have no more strength left.

Must have been a struggle, Sweetie thought, raising her head with a paw lightly scratching her cheek. "It was a good run, Chase. Unfortunately, anyone who goes against the order of Barkingburg wouldn't be able to escape our grasp, and now, we're going to bring you to justice," she said in a monotone, turning her head to find the accuser, whose presence was nowhere to be seen.

Cherish || A Chase x Sweetie Fanfiction ||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt