(S1-C7) • Rumours •

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After the detailed anecdote, the Princess could only avert her look. A part of her still blamed Ryder for what had happened, but she found that it wasn't completely his. "Once we get back, I'll deal with them. Personally."

"Please, don't be too harsh on them," Ryder pleaded, clasping his hands as he prayed for the worst to cease. This was the first time he saw the Princess experiencing blood as fiery as a scattered forest fire, only being contained from the fact that they were isolated away from the trouble for now. Sure enough, he was positive that the Princess was merely speaking her mind during her current mood and the end results would be far from vicious. "I just hope the punishment doesn't have to do with cats or feathers or flowers," he chuckled, forgetting the oblivious, mad female before him.


"Brr!" Chase shivered, turning his head to his side to check behind him, being the last in the group. Maria noticed the action, and so she questioned if he was okay, stopping a bit for him to catch up. "Y-yeah, I just felt a chill for some reason, like someone was talking about me."

The pack continued their walk on the sidewalk, Sweetie leading the group like she had mapped the whole place in her brain when she clearly hadn't. Obviously, she was just trying to look proud and all-knowing. Despite that, the most annoying was how she asked every single detail and when she received the answer, she would either find ways to castigate what was asked or berate Chase whenever he was to be the one who solves her undeniable silliness.

With Sweetie going on about how the modern form of transportation that uses a so-called "engine" was an unprofessional way of experiencing true nature through driving, her friends entered a hotel to book rooms for the upcoming night.

"And that's why carriages drawn by horses are better than carls."

"You mean cars?" Chase would have laughed, but her constant complaining had sucked the fun out of him. Talk about a rough day at work when his job is literally attached to him the whole day. Well, there's the bed time when they'd have separate rooms, so a few hours of rest would be generous of life, and he was drooling internally for his comfortable den.

A small ring then was heard, along with Maria and Beatrice exiting the building. "We were able to get rooms with enough pricey food during meal times," Beatrice explained with a lifeless tone, staring at the wallet on her paw. "As highnesses, we barely see money—being spoiled rotten. I'm sorry you have to deal with the price," Maria apologized sincerely, patting the pup on her crown.

"At least we can finally have proper food instead of those Fish and Mits." Sweetie smiled in gratitude for her friend's work. "It's Fish and Chips, Sweetie." Chase groaned, receiving a vexed stare from the mentioned pup and a few giggles from the other females they were with.

"The fun never ends with you, guys," Beatrice proclaimed, lips lifting to a curve like she had just forgotten the death of her wallet. Even Maria was conscious of how much it would hurt to lose a big sum, but it was Beatrice they were talking about. No matter what troubled times come to her, she'd always bounce back.

"Since we're still going to explore, let's have a meal at a nearby restaurant. If it wasn't for Sweetie, we wouldn't have spent half a day walking around the city." Beatrice, in spite of the lack of money, intrigued everyone on her selection, pointing to a gallery of the tastiness to the right of the hotel. Turns out, the transparent glass, lights that asserts the attractiveness of the place, and the formal attire of the people that you could see inside was more than enough information to tell them that this restaurant, with a proud, lightened sign engraving the name 'Tongue Tango' in their thoughts, was more than they could afford. And that name of a restaurant wasn't at all decent, or at least that's what Maria solely thought.

Cherish || A Chase x Sweetie Fanfiction ||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt