(S3-C15) • Web of Lies •

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Days went on by and like what Ryder said, the storm was unresting. There was barely any sunshine, and without the help of the PAW Patroller, the group of pups wouldn't have even been able to arrive at Barkingburg, although the reason for their call was still held off from them for the time being. It was a question everyone wanted answered, considering Ryder wasn't really an insensitive jerk to have them come for small to no reason at all, considering their loss.

As Ryder faced the double doors, shadows casting inwards the castle, he saw how banged up his pups were. Their furs were curled and creased. The poor creatures seem to have had sleepless nights from how the skin under their lower eyelids dug deep under their eyes, and they seem a bit thinner than they usually were. Only Rubble was able to fix himself. Barely. He was a get-up-and-get-going kind of a pup, or so Ryder thought.

"Is there something you need us for, Ryder?" The injured mixed rolled up his wheelchair to put himself in front, the open-mouthed teenager closing his trap in hopes he didn't appear rude, still mesmerized by the physical change his team underwent.

Hearing a cough from Zuma, like one when you're sick, Ryder cleared his throat. "There has been issues here and I need you, pups. You don't need to do much, I assure you," he said, turning around upon hearing a pair of footsteps.

"Yes, that would seem like a good reason to let him go," the voice of the Earl came forth, appearing from a doorway with the princess beside him, a step behind her. "Despite the claims, I'm sure—" he stopped himself, a sudden expression of terror growing on his wrinkled face. "Great Kingdom of Barkingburg! what happened to the bunch of you?"

Ryder knew his team described themselves as pathetic just from their refrain of eye contact. They didn't want the whole world to learn about it.

Coraline herself was in honest shock. Truly an image she longed to never remember and she was sure to make that happen. With a few quick snaps of her fingers the workers in the room exited. Soon, a crowd of butlers came out. They had their mouths parted upon sight of the disheveled party yet they were professional enough to get to work instead of freezing in their spot.

As they took the pups in their arms, being extra careful with one of them, Ryder had a new weight on his shoulder. A physical one, resembling the shape of a hand, and it was gloved.

"That 'out of themselves' was an understatement. They look like they were left adrift at sea with nothing but a small raft and their wits to help survive—what occurrence have you not apprised?" The princess asked, the human just lowering his eyes to the floor.

"With all due respect, princess, I do not wish to announce the personal situations that happen in my team. I say that as their leader, their owner, and their friend. Do not take it in the wrong light."

An expected answer, Coraline's nod showed she understood that she crossed the line with that question. She may be a sovereign but she had her morals, and that includes the prevention of making a situation much worse by intervening.

"No need to worry," she replied. "Let them settle down for an hour or two. We'll cook them some warm meals and wrap them in comfortable clothing rather than let them remain in their unwashed gears. Only then we'll discuss; their physical and mental stability are my top priority."

Thanking the princess for her heartfelt hospitality, Ryder gulped. He had second thoughts if he was doing the right thing but considering the situation, he had to change the plan he first thought of doing. It was better for everyone.

It was most especially better for Chase.


Cherish || A Chase x Sweetie Fanfiction ||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें