Edoline Chapter 49: An Uneasy Trust

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My strength was returning to me fast. I had only been back at MEPA for fifteen minutes, but the medication had already begun to work. My mental barriers were building themselves back up, and all the cracks that had formed in my defences sealed. I was able to think clearly and properly note my surroundings.

Melliny had been discharged almost as soon as she had been admitted to the infirmary with only a bruise on her back to show for her fight against Mirrikhad. Justin had not been as lucky as her. While tackling Wynnter to the ground, he had taken the dagger to the forearm. It was not as bad as it could have been but was still a wound that would limit him on his choices of missions until it was healed enough.

Mirrikhad, restrained to the bed, hummed an inconsistent tune, and drummed his fingers unrhythmically. He stared at the ceiling, uncaring of where he was or of his situation. The wound that Haruto had inflicted upon him had been healed by Dr. Jelen's ability–exchanging her energy to heal another's wounds. A red mark, later to become a bruise, was already forming on the eternal's jaw.

"Will you please shut up?" Siegefried's arm laid across his face, and he did not move as he shot the comment at Mirrikhad. Siegefried and Boradon were still being held in the infirmary under surveillance as they recovered from Dewitt's attack. I had done what I could for my teammates, against the concern of Dr. Jelen for my fatigued condition. Thankfully, Dewitt had not inflicted any permanent damage to their minds.

Mirrikhad did not stop humming at Siegefried's request, instead ignoring my team member. I heard my partner growl.

Director Cornelia entered the room, leaning heavily on her cane. Her wrist was bandaged, and the cut on her cheek had stopped bleeding. The director was faring better in the aftermath of Dewitt's attack than my teammates. Against the doctor's requests, Director Cornelia was moving around and carrying out her duties.

"Ah, finally," Mirrikhad perked up instantly. I noticed Siegefried's sigh of relief when the off-tune humming stopped. "You're taking these off, right?" The eternal jerked against his cuffs.

"That all depends on your answers and cooperation," Director Cornelia said. I sat up and turned to face the eternal.

"There's no need for hostility. We're all on the same side here."

Director Cornelia's brow rose. "You expect me to believe that?" She shook her head in disbelief. "You attacked my people. You are lucky that no one was seriously injured. As it is, I am down one member from the wound you inflicted upon him."

Mirrikhad shrugged. "They attacked me first; it was only self defence. Plus, I was caught up in the moment. I didn't mean to hurt anyone."

The director shook her head but continued. "You are also one of the top generals in the eternal's army and have never wavered in your position until today. You expect me to believe that you suddenly changed sides? And now of all times?"

"I have come to realise that the eternal cause is one that I no longer want to follow. They have become dishonourable."

"What honour did they ever have?" Siegefried scoffed.

Mirrikhad ignored the vivifica and continued. "Once the eternals were a powerful race, unchallenged through all the worlds. We had no need for the half-eternals, but now Grim has stooped low enough to call upon them to strengthen his army. They are given seats of power that should belong to eternals. I could understand his son being a part of the army, he was raised as one of us, despite his tainted blood. The others do not know our ways. They are outsiders, abominations that are of two worlds. I do not wish to support such a fight. You mean to keep the worlds apart, and that coincides with my beliefs."

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