Brela Chapter 56: Captured

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My head was pounding. Each beat rang in my ears, drowning out all other sounds. I could tell that my face was crusted with blood, my bleeding nose long done and dried. My lip throbbed, and I already felt a welt growing on my head.

I didn't move much, only enough to take in my surroundings with hazy eyes. I was in a stone room, a cell to be more precise. The harsh bite of chains were around my wrists, and the tiredness in my arms was a result of them being restrained above my head. I had all my weapons, including my ring/dagger, had been taken. To put my situation simply, I was in deep trouble. And it only grew deeper when the door opened.

I squinted at the harsh light. Zerbelgrim entered first, and I couldn't help but rejoice at the slight limp in his arrogant walk. Dewitt entered next, Razzerie not far behind. As soon as the three of them were inside, the door clanged shut. I forced my heavy head to look up at the three of them. I said nothing, only watched them with a tired gaze.

"Not so feisty now, are we?" Zerbelgrim asked.

"What do you want?" I asked, slouching back, and faking my calmness.

"Answers," Zerbelgrim said. He crouched down, studying the bloody mess on my face. I forced my eyes to hold his gaze.

"I'm not telling you anything," I said.

"And I believe you. You won't reveal anything without some encouragement."

"No, I won't. You will not get anything from me, not when you stand there and conduct death and destruction."

"And what do you know? The propagated lies that Mae feeds you. You don't even know the whole story."

I straightened, my eyes glaring at Zerbelgrim as he rose and walked back to the other two half-eternals. "I don't need the whole story to see that you are murdering billions of innocents just for your own gain," I said. "It's sickening to watch you stand back and enjoy it. I don't need Mae to see what you are doing is wrong."

Zerbelgrim shrugged. "You picked your side. I have mine."

Dewitt stepped forward, his eyes locking onto mine. "What if you weren't forced to have a side anymore? What if you went back to your old life, no war, no sides, just a normal life?"

"Get out of my head," I warned. I could feel Dewitt sifting through my thoughts, looking for something.

"All you have ever wanted is peace. You never wanted to be fighting for your life, day after day. Often, you wonder what would happen if you left MEPA. I can give you that choice now, let you go and fake your death for you. No one would ever bother you again, not us, not MEPA. I can ensure that you get the future that you always wanted."

"Stop it." I gritted my teeth. Dewitt was calling upon my deepest thoughts, using them against me. Every doubt I had, he used, weaving it into the perfect tool to manipulate me. I was helpless as he burrowed deeper.

"Anything you want, we can give you. I can make you forget about this life, erase the memories that plague you. You still deal with trauma from that fateful night. You can forget it too. You won't have to hear their screams in your dreams, see them die before your eyes, you won't have to—"

I snapped. "Get out!" I lunged against the chains, the metal digging into my wrists. It snapped me from my rage, the sharp pain enough to let me think clearly.

Dewitt stumbled back, surprise clear on his face.

I breathed hard. "Stay out of my head," I spat through my clenched jaw. My fiery gaze cut into Dewitt's as he focused on me, his eyes searching for something in mine. I let nothing show. The longer I looked him in the eyes, the more agitated he became.

"What?" Zerbelgrim demanded, looking between Dewitt and me.

Dewitt launched forward, grabbing my head before I could react. His fingers touched my temple, his eyes locked onto mine. I let out a yell and tried to pull away from his hold, but he held on tighter.

"She's blocked me out. I can't get in her mind anymore," Dewitt said, his eyes still locked onto mine. Finally, he let me go, and rose to his feet, eyes still on me. I could feel his phantom fingers on my temple.

"She's only human. Only individuals with telepathic abilities can block their thoughts." Razzerie stepped forward, observing me with a curious gaze. I didn't remove my eyes from Dewitt.

Dewitt called off the staring contest, looking to his leader. "Someone has created a mind block for her, but Edoline does not have the skills to keep me out, not like that."

Zerbelgrim cocked his head, now studying me. I turned my attention to him. He stalked forward. "Curious. How did you get this mind block?"

"Like I'd tell you," I snarled. I jerked against my restraints. My face was mere inches away from Zerbelgrim, and with a low growl, I spoke. "I will tell you nothing."

Performance was everything, that was another valuable lesson I had learned from Edoline. Hide the fear behind hate, that was the key. And that was exactly what I was doing. I only hoped the shaking of my hands was hidden by my clenched fists.

At first, Zerbelgrim remained inches away from my face, studying me. Just when I thought my act was going to be revealed, Dewitt spoke up.

"Our guest has arrived," the telepath said, his eyes unfocused. "And she's furious."

Zerbelgrim didn't move for a second, giving no indication that he had heard Dewitt's report. Then, ever so slowly, a wicked grin grew on the half-eternal's face. As graceful as a cat, he rightened his posture, hands clasped firmly behind his back. "Took her long enough. Razzerie, tend to our prisoner. Use whatever methods you deem necessary."

Razzerie bowed low as Dewitt and Zerbelgrim left my cell. "It shall be done." The door creaked shut, leaving only Razzerie and me. She turned on her heel and faced me. With a low whine from her sword, she stalked forwards. My mouth went dry.

Even with all the training Edoline had put me through, with all the intimidation the vivifica had imposed upon me, I never felt the way I did as the half-eternal approached me. Edoline was much more of an intimidating person, but never once had she intended to harm me. That intention was clear in Razzerie's face, and that was what scared me the most.

I leaned back up against the wall, eyes fearful as Razzerie continued forward. She took her time, letting the gravity of this situation sink in. I could do nothing more to stop the shaking in my hands.

In one swift arc, the sword descended.

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