Brela Chapter 11: The Chase Is On

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"Cheryl, I need you to lead me to the eternals," I said as Justin and I spun out of the alley, tires squealing on the pavement and the pungent smell of burning rubber filling the air.

"They're heading towards the main highway," Cheryl said. "There appears to be a faster route that might let you catch up with them."

"That'll work; walk me through it," I commanded.

"Hard left."

I turned the corner sharply, leaning with the bike. The road ahead was packed with traffic and would take more time to weave through them than we had. Probably being a little impulsive, I turned on to the sidewalk, pushing the motorcycle to go faster. At the sight of the incoming motorbike, the people moved out of my way, letting loose screams of terror as I flew past them. I kept my eyes forward and ignored them.

"Keep on going straight."

I blew past a stop sign, honking horns following me. Still, I stayed on course. My father would be so mad at me if he knew what I was doing right now.

"Take a sharp right, then you'll be on the highway," Cheryl finished.

I did as she said, and I felt Justin tense behind me. The tires squealed as I pulled onto the highway, only a few feet away from the pickup truck.

"I've got them in sight, Cheryl."

"Go get them," I could hear the smile in the doctor's voice. I didn't need any more encouragement. Giving the bike more gas, we shot off towards our target.

The cars blurred past us, the sound of their engines growing and fading as I weaved through the traffic. The wind tore at my clothes, sending ripples through the fabric and letting in the chilly air. I was surprisingly calm, observing the road and planning my route three, four moves ahead. I bent low over the bike, moving as fast as I dared to get closer to the truck. My eyes were locked onto the target, and I could make out the two inhabitants watching my approach. The passenger was twisting in his seat to try and keep me in his sights as I moved between lanes. It wasn't hard to see his panic, glancing between me and Edoline running on the roofs.

The rooftops were a sufficient way for Edoline to travel. She used her telekinesis to propel herself over impossible gaps and to move faster than it should have been possible. She bounded from roof to roof, using wires and chimneys to jump and propel herself further. The vivifica was a good few feet ahead of us, maintaining a solid pace.

"Left," Justin yelled over the wind, his hand tapping me on my left shoulder. I listened to him, moving around a semi-truck before gunning the gas. We approached the Chevrolet, and Justin readied himself, summoning a sword in his left hand. I pulled up closer.
The truck slammed on its brakes, letting us shoot past them and causing Justin to miss the mirror, losing our chance to blind them.

"Hold on." I hit my own brakes and turned, spinning around to face the truck head on. Together, we hit the gas, both going towards each other.

Fine, let's do some chicken.

Neither of us moved as we approached each other. Our eyes were locked, a silent challenge to the other driver. The half-eternal passenger was casting an uneasy glance between the eternal and I, and I could see the panic in his eyes. I smirked beneath my helmet.

I swerved around the truck at the last possible moment, dropping my foot and spinning around, burning rubber on the road. Justin's blade descended upon the mirror as I turned, letting it fall onto the road. Brakes squealed as a car desperately tried to stop in time. I felt Justin's grip around my waist tighten at the sound. I gave no one a chance to react before I was driving after the truck once again.

I glanced towards Edoline. She was far ahead of us now, and starting to descend, using a fire exit as she hopped from one layer to another, flipping over the railings and sliding down the stairs. As soon as she was close enough, she pushed off the fire escape. She landed on the trailer of a truck in a roll, quickly rising to her feet and jumping to the next car. She leapt between cars, using them to gain more ground as she began her approach.

Justin and I drifted over to the Chevy once more. He readied himself as I moved us closer to the box of the truck. A head popped out of the window, glancing towards us. It was replaced with a gun. Justin quickly sat back down on the motorcycle just as the half-eternal pulled the trigger.

Gunshots filled the air, and I jerked the bike away from the truck, bullets flying past us. The traffic slammed on the brakes, staying back as the bullets flew. This was exactly why Edoline didn't want civilians around.

"Go," Justin said, his five violet swords appearing around the motorcycle, acting as a shield against the bullets. I trusted my mentor, pulling closer to the truck. The bullets hit his swords, and I winced every time, but I continued to pull closer.

With no warning, Justin pulled one of the swords to his hand, before slashing downwards, taking the barrel of the gun clean off. The half-eternal looked at Justin with shock, but it quickly left as he thrust open the door, slamming it into our motorcycle.

I felt the bike fall. Instantly, Justin's swords vanished from around the bike, moving to shield us from the harshness of the road. Justin was underneath me, pulling me close as his swords and our bodies slid, the bike tumbling in front of us. We crashed into the meridian; the bike shattered next to us. Justin pulled his swords and body around me, shielding the both of us from the spray of parts and gravel.

Everything went silent.

"Uhh," Justin groaned, letting his swords leave and flopping onto the ground. I pulled the helmet off and copied him, too tired and worn to care that we were in the middle of a highway, thankfully empty.

"Tired?" I asked, turning my head to Justin.

He raised his head from the ground to look at me. "You try moving five swords like that."

"I'll pass," I groaned, propping myself up against the concrete.

We both looked towards the truck that drove away. Standing in the middle of the road, in front of the vehicle was Edoline, sword at her side. The two jumpers inside showed no intention of slowing down. In fact, it seemed that they were picking up speed. Regardless, Edoline stood there, unfazed as she watched the truck drive closer. Worry filled me as I watched the scene ahead.

"She knows what she's doing," Justin assured me, sensing my concern.

Edoline remained still, her sword in her grasp. She stared at the truck, simply watching it. At the last possible second, she moved. Her right foot remained planted as she pivoted, spinning downwards. Her sword flashed upwards, shearing clean through both the tires and rims. The truck tilted, grinding as it shot towards the meridian. Sparks leapt into the air as Edoline slowly rose, watching the brake lights flare up. The brakes did not stop the truck from crashing into the meridian.

"Holy crap," I breathed.

Edoline was truly one of a kind.

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