Edoline Chapter 12: Take Down

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I stood in the middle of the road, watching as the truck grinded to a stop. Sparks danced in the air, along with the horrific sound of grating metal, but I stayed where I was, waiting. The truck smashed into the meridian, the front caving in.

Slowly, I walked over, replacing my sword on my back. The two inhabitants of the vehicle fell out, dazed over what had just happened. I continued walking forward, eyes on the enemy.

The eternal was the fastest to recover, his wounds sealing as he turned his attention to me. His face was filled with rage as he drew his sword. He sprinted towards me, sword high and posed to attack. Still, I walked forward.

I sidestepped, letting the eternal stumble past. He turned to face me, lunging again. I clamped half of the cuffs onto his wrist as I moved aside, disarming him in the same move. I tossed the sword onto the road, all the while dropping him onto his knees. The half-eternal came at me next.

I remained at the eternal's side. Keeping my hand on the other cuff, I flipped over the eternal. My boot connected with the side of the half-eternal's head. He dropped like a rock, and I finished cuffing the eternal. I pulled the eternal's now joined hands towards the ground, the eternal letting out a squeak as he fell backwards. I spun a dagger in my hand before slamming it into the ground, pinning the handcuffs to the asphalt. The eternal struggled as I walked away and pulled a second set of handcuffs from my belt.
Kneeling on the ground, I roughly pulled the semi-conscious half-eternal's hands behind his back, locking the jump restricting cuffs around his wrists. He would have to be brought to a doctor. Wounds of varying severity covered his face and side, a result of the crash into the meridian.

"I was going to help, but it seems like you have it all under control." I turned to look at Zyair. He rose from his crouched position, having just jumped here. I could not help but smile when I saw his familiar black hair and witty expression.

"I always have it under control," I said as I pulled the half-eternal to his feet. Zyair moved to the struggling eternal and removed my dagger before allowing the eternal to stand. He was handing it too me when Brela and Justin approached.

The tumble from the motorcycle appeared to have left the two unharmed, the worst that could be seen was Justin's worn and tired look. That could be expected after controlling his swords as he had. Regardless, I would send Brela and Justin to the infirmary as soon as we returned to MEPA.

"Wow," Brela said. "That was awesome."

I inclined my head at the compliment.

Sirens filled the air as the local law enforcement finally arrived. The four of us waited for them to come to a halt. Captain Hayward was the first to step out.

"Nicely done," he congratulated, looking around the scene.

"How is the public?" I asked.

"Luckily, no one was hurt in the gunfire, so that's a bonus. The worst is going to be cleaning up these two vehicles," the captain signalled to the truck and motorcycle, both beaten up from the chase and the aftermath.

"Where are the other eternals?"

"Still with Haruto and a few of my men. When we left, they were getting the captives ready for you to take back with you."

"How heavy is the security?"

"Your man and seven of mine."

Donovan and Socorro arrived, jogging up to our group.

"Zyair, I want you to keep an eye on the security team; keep out of sight until they are ready to depart, then head back to MEPA with Haruto." I turned to Socorro and Donovan. "Please escort these two back to MEPA."

The three men nodded. Zyair handed the eternal to Donovan before jumping away. Socorro took the half-eternal, then he and his brother returned to MEPA.

"Dr. Ursett, pack up and return to MEPA," I commanded.

"See you there," Dr. Ursett said.

"Thank you for everything. If Director Cornelia ever needs help with anything, let her know we're here to do anything we can," Captain Hayward said.

"It is our pleasure; I am glad that we could be of assistance," I said, nodding my head. "If anything else arises, we will be here. Until we meet again."

With that, I walked away, Justin and Brela following. Mid step, we jumped away, returning to MEPA.

"I want you two to go to the infirmary and get Dr. Jelen to check you over," I said, turning to Justin and Brela.

Brela opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by her trainer. "Understood," Justin said. Together, they moved towards the infirmary.

I looked towards the central room, eyes travelling up the large window that oversaw everything. Director Cornelia looked down, not noticing me. Her eyes were on everyone below.

I need to tell her what happened. Moving, I descended the stairs and began my way across the room, heading towards the director's office.

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