Brela Chapter 44: The Simulation Room

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Rayja was silent as we entered the gym area. I had given her a tour of MEPA, introducing her to key members along the way and those I had grown close to in my three months spent here. Justin left when I introduced Rayja to Team Igniatus. A part of me hadn't expected him to actually leave, but he had. I would be lying if I said it hadn't stung a little.

The girl hadn't spoken to anyone. She had hid behind me, following only to be polite. Even if someone had tried to start a conversation with her, she had remained quiet, no nodding, eye contact, or smiles. It hadn't been hard to tell that she wanted to get out of the crowd, so I had brought her to my favourite place. Thankfully, it was empty.

I opened the door for Rayja, quickly writing our names on the whiteboard. I grabbed the coin-sized controller from its compartment on the wall before following Rayja inside.

"This is one of the many training rooms," I said as I latched the door. Unlike every other training room, this one was completely bare, no mats or equipment anywhere. It was just white walls, white floor, and white ceiling. "It's called the simulation room."

I pressed the controller onto the side of my head. Instantly, it turned on. The walls turned into screens and presented the pre-created simulations for me to select from, but I ignored them. Using my mind, I chose a blank option. Calling upon all the details that I could recall, the image in my mind sprang to life.

The floor turned into a carpet of grass, the blades sweeping over the ground and springing to life as far as the eye could see. Trees sprouted from the ground, providing shade in the already heated room. The air turned sweet with the smell of the outdoors, and the buzzing of insects and chirping of birds reached my ears.

Rayja's eyes widened at the sight. With ever growing awe, she took in the simulation as it grew around us, taking shape into a perfect representation of the forest my father had often brought me too. Everything was as it was in my memories.

I could have sworn there were tears collecting in Rayja's eyes. She turned away too fast for me to be sure. I stood silent, watching. The girl moved to the nearest tree, her hands stretched out to touch it, no doubt wanting to feel the authenticity of it. Her fingers grazed the trunk, tracing the bark.

"Wayne's life work is this room. Everything feels real, smells real, and sounds real. He made it so we could train in different environments without the dangers that they have. I have learned a lot of my skills in this room," I said as I stepped closer.

Rayja bent down, her hand running through the grass.

"My father used to bring me to this forest whenever there was no one else home. It was our way of relaxing out of the city. We used to talk for hours about everything: his work, my school, the drama in our lives, anything. It was enjoyable, and the only time I spent with just my father."

I moved closer to Rayja, letting the image leave my mind before I removed the controller from my temple. The forest dropped away, returning once more to the white room. I crouched down and offered the controller to the girl. "Do you want to try?" I asked. Rayja nodded her head. I gently placed the controller onto Rayja's temple. She remained still.

I leaned back as I explained what she needed to do. "Bring a picture to the front of your mind. It needs to be as clear as possible, so try and bring up as many details as you can recall."

Rayja nodded again and closed her eyes. With that, the room changed around us once more.

The smell of salt filled the air. Seagulls cawed, and the sound of crashing waves filled my ears. The ocean was at Rayja and I's feet, reaching out to touch our shoes, only an inch away before receding. A warm breeze rippled through my hair. I stood slowly, breathing in deep and closed my eyes.

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