Brela Chapter 37: Razzerie

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The leader of the half-eternals—Razzerie—held out her hand. The jumper gem in my pocket moved out of it, rising into the air. I scrambled to grab it but missed. Two other jumper gems flew past me. I reached out to grab one of them in an attempt to secure an escape, but I missed them too. They hit Razzerie's hand with a soft thump.

"I should start collecting these. As trophies perhaps," she said, admiring the gems before she pocketed them.

"Lousy trophies," Igniatus huffed, rolling his eyes.

"Then perhaps your heads will suffice," Razzerie snapped, snatching one of Siegefried's daggers and thrusting it to his throat. Siegefried's face contorted as if he was in immense pain, his eye squeezed shut and posture rigid. The dagger hadn't drawn any blood, only rested against his skin.

We all tensed. Wynn surged forward, his ice collecting as it went to attack Razzerie. Edoline thrust her arm out to catch him, giving the ice user a look that told him to wait.

"Yes, listen to her." Razzerie grinned. "Lay down your weapons and surrender, or he dies." No one was sure what to do. Verra had already sheathed her dagger, but Celia along with the rest of her team were looking to Edoline for guidance. I was ready to surrender. I couldn't watch anyone die in front of me again. One look from Justin had me waiting. I had to trust Edoline; she had a plan. She had to.

"Do you want all of my weapons, or just the visible ones?" Edoline asked. Sarcasm was not what I was expecting from her, not now, not ever. Zyair tried, and failed, to hide his intake of surprise.

We were just going to forsake Siegefried's life? Just like that? No fight, no deals? This was it?"

Razzerie let out a snarl.  "So be it. You can watch him bleed out, but know that his blood will be on your hands."

"You're welcome to try," Siegefried said. He opened his eye again and pulled in a deep breath. All pain was gone from his face. "But I'll see it coming." He moved, twisting his arms free from the rope. A dagger was in his hand. Siegefried leaned back, kicking his feet out towards Razzerie. She moved out of the way, the dagger forced away from Siegefried. The half-eternal behind Siegefried fell, the vivifica on top and dagger already buried in his chest. Siegefried rolled off the body, pulling the dagger with him. He threw it towards Boradon's half-eternal before he tackled the half-eternal with their weapons.

In the commotion, the half-eternals surrounding our circle rushed at us, but we were ready. Everyone faced the attackers, and we met them head on.

Boradon used Siegefried's dagger to free his hands. He attacked the half-eternal beside him, reclaiming his sword. Siegefried had already leapt down to help us, daggers in hand. Boradon followed.

Razzerie let out a snarl and discarded the dagger. She jumped down after the two members of the A-Team, the other half-eternals—who were still alive—right behind her.

Zyair was upon Razzerie the moment she hit the ground. His daggers were thrown, both of which she dodged. From there, the two were engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Zyair flipped and kicked, Razzerie blocking and throwing her own punches. She managed a kick into his stomach. There was a grunt from Zyair as he stumbled backwards. Instantly another half-eternal was on him, attacking and forcing the man away from Razzerie. He was forced to let Razzerie walk.

Against my better judgement, I took Razzerie on.

She dodged around my first swing, then ducked under my second. The third she blocked with her arm guard, and I grazed her with the fourth. She backed up, eyeing me with my two swords. I readied myself again, swords at the ready. Together, we moved.

I swung out again. Razzerie blocked it, but when I swung my second blade, she held out her hand, and it stopped in the air. I gritted my teeth, trying to push my blade. It was as if I had hit a wall.

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