Brela Chapter 53: Not While I Breathe

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My reflexes kicked in in an instant. I shoved Rayja behind me, sword out in front as I watched the enemy approach. One hand remained on the girl as I positioned my body protectively in front of her. She hid behind me, trying to be as small as possible. I could feel her rigid stance, along with her shaking against my back. She was terrified, and as much as I wanted to be too, I knew I had to protect her.

Three half-eternals and one eternal stepped out of the shadows, following Zerbelgrim. He looked different than the first time I had seen him. He had been powerless almost, faking his poor combat abilities. Now, he stood taller and had an arrogance about him. He wasn't hiding who he was, or what he was capable of doing.

The half-eternal leader looked Rayja and me over, his sword not on his hip. His followers had drawn theirs but had them positioned by their sides. I stood motionless, my sword at the ready as I stared the enemy down. They just looked at me with disgust.

"Why hello little girl." Crouching down to peer at Rayja, Zerbelgrim made a gutsy move. But then again, Zerbelgrim was all about testing the limits.

"If you want to talk to anyone, you talk to me," I snarled, my sword pointed at him. The leader of the half-eternals was crouched just out of reach of my blade. "You leave her out of this."

"Oh, protective, are we?" Zerbelgrim asked, raising his eyes to look at me. He slowly rose from his crouched position, my sword following his movement. I glared at him as he spoke. "You've changed since the last time we met. You're not so timid. You've grown more confident and have a fierceness in your gaze. But you're still not willing to kill, isn't that right Brela Prenott?"

"No, there is always a better choice than that," I said.

"I see," Zerbelgrim said, acting as if he understood. My eyes followed him as he backed away. "This girl, she means a lot to you," he commented.

"She's a child," I said. "Why wouldn't I be protective?" Slowly, I inched my hand away from Rayja, moving it closer to my jumper gem. I couldn't jump, not with Zerbelgrim undoubtedly using his ability to stop me from leaving. I could only hope that a message would get through to MEPA.

"Not just any child," Zerbelgrim chided, "but one with the power to destroy worlds. You should know that better than anyone else, since you were a witness to that destruction."

"Which is exactly why she's not going anywhere near you," I spat. I pulled my jumper gem out of my pocket, holding it in my hand. In a steady pattern, I tapped the stone.

Zerbelgrim smirked, looking at me with a side eye. My face remained the same hard, threatening, expression.

"I'll make this simple for you," Zerbelgrim said, returning to his group. He brought his hands together, that annoyingly smug smirk still on his face. "Hand over the girl, and you can go back to your little base alive and unharmed."

"She has a name you know," I said, completely forgoing the demand. I didn't have time to wait for backup, considering how fast this was escalating. I slowly moved my hand with the jumper gem towards Rayja. I could only hope she understood the meaning behind my actions.

"Fine. Hand Rayja over and you can leave in one piece," Zerbelgrim said.

"Never," I snarled.

"The hard way, then." At Zerbelgrim's words, the four enemies lunged forward.

"Go! Find Justin!" I shoved the jumper gem into Rayja's hand. She reacted lightning fast, turning and taking off like a shot. I spun back around and wrapped my arm around one of the half-eternal's waists, throwing him back. I had to give Rayja as much time as I could.

I grabbed a dagger and threw it towards the half-eternal I had just thrown backwards. He wasn't expecting my attack, and it hit him where I had intended. The half-eternal dropped, hands on the dagger lodged in his thigh. Pain and shock contorted his features as he laid on ground.

"If you want to get to her, you're going to have to go through me," I said. My swords snapped out at my sides, and I readied myself. They were not getting through me, not while I breathed.

"That can be arranged." Zerbelgrim called his sword to him, materialising it from another world.

Again, they came at me.

I blocked the sword from a half-eternal, before kicking him in the side of the knee. I brought my own knee up the moment he fell, catching him under the chin. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fell backwards. I moved around him, stepping into the path of a sprinting half-eternal.

I threw my left arm out, clotheslining the man. He flipped over, hitting the ground hard enough that he didn't move immediately. Zerbelgrim and the eternal were the only two left standing. I knew this fight wasn't going to end well for me. If Team Igniatus found me soon then I might have a chance. I could only hope they arrived soon.

Zerbelgrim moved first. I stepped into his path, already swinging. His sword came up in a smooth motion, forcing me backwards. The eternal ran past me. I turned to stop him, only for Zerbelgrim to disarm me of my left sword.

I rolled to the side, letting the sword go before I hurt my wrist. I came up to my feet, turning to follow the eternal. Zerbelgrim stepped in front of me, blocking me from going after the enemy. I didn't have time for this.

I dropped to the ground, replacing my sword on my belt. I made a fist, and with everything I had, I punched Zerbelgrim in the leg, right where I was told Mae had stabbed him two weeks ago. The wound was still not fully healed.

A roar echoed from Zerbelgrim, and he dropped to his knees. I was already on my feet and sprinting away. I threw a dagger towards a half-eternal trying to rise to his feet. It caught him in the shoulder, the force thrusting him back to the ground. I leapt over his moaning body and forgot about the second half-eternal.

His hand grabbed my ankle as I jumped over his companion. It threw off my balance. My face smashed into the ground, my nose letting out a sharp burst of pain. I felt my lip split. A warm liquid began to trickle down my face and chin.

I rolled onto my back, bringing my heel into the face of the half-eternal who had grabbed me. His head rocked back as nose crunched under my foot, then he was out cold.

I went to stand, but Zerbelgrim towered over me. His fist met my temple, then it was lights out.

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