Brela Chapter 28: Saved

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I stood, watching over the two muggers. My sword was at my side, but I doubted I needed it out. The two were terrified as it was. They wouldn't be going anywhere.

"Anything?" I called out. It had been an hour or two since the fight, but there was still no sign of MEPA.

"Not yet," Justin yelled back. He got down from the roof of the cave, walking over to me. "It might take them a bit though, we're in the wilderness and MEPA will think it's a half-eternal or eternal; they'll approach in a way where it won't be walking straight into danger."

"I don't know how much longer we can wait here." Both of our eyes looked at the still unconscious girl. She hadn't moved.

"If we have to wait much longer, I'm tempted to take her to the doctor, even with the risk of another fracture," Justin said. He moved over to the girl.

"And what would we do with these two?" I motioned to the muggers with my sword. They flinched, pressing back into the wall.
"We'll figure that out if we get there." Justin knelt at the girl's side, and like we both had done a few times, he took her pulse and checked her temperature. He let out a sigh. "We might as well check on your arm. We have time," Justin said.

I sat down, letting Justin unwind the bandage. My eyes were on the muggers, glaring at them, daring them to make a move. They kept adverting their gazes, fear clear. We wouldn't have to worry about them bolting on us.

"So?" I asked as soon as the bandage was completely removed.

"You didn't pop a stitch, and it's not bleeding again," Justin said. "You're good."

"Nice," I said, surprised at the news. The way I had been fighting, I had expected it to need another treatment.

Justin began to bandage my arm back up and finished as a voice called out.

"To the demis or eternals in the cave, please come out with your hands up, or risk fighting us; we are not afraid to use force if necessary. I compel you to choose the second option," a voice yelled into the cave.

"Igniatus," someone chided harshly.

"What?" Igniatus asked.

Justin summoned a sword and had it floating in the air, pointed at the muggers. "Move, and it kills you," he said. They gave Justin rapid nods.

Listening to Igniatus, we stepped out into the light, our hands up in the air. A group of five stood halfway down the hill, swords out. Team Igniatus tensed at the sight of us.

"Justin?" Celia Keeswood's eyes widened at the sight of her brother. Her golden sword vanished, then she was running up the hill as fast as she could go. Justin met her halfway, and was instantly smothered in a hug, Celia burrowing her head of golden hair into her brother's shoulder. Soft sobs could be heard as I walked down to my trainer's side.

"I never lost hope," Celia mumbled into Justin's coat. "I knew you would be okay. I had to believe it, I had to. I couldn't lose you too." She pulled away, her hands still on Justin's arms as if she couldn't quite believe he was here and alive. I had a feeling that she had repeated those words to herself, trying to convince herself that her brother wasn't gone. "The world was destroyed. We... we couldn't do anything."

"Brela and I left last minute," Justin assured her. Celia wiped her eyes, beaming.

Celia approached me and we embraced, holding each other close. The sweet and familiar smell of her shampoo tingled my nose. "I'm so happy I didn't lose you," she muttered into my shoulder.

"Me too."

We separated, and Justin's sister looked at the two of us for a moment, observing our faces. The joy and pure happiness knew no bounds.

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