Brela Chapter 27: The Wait

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The sun was almost directly overhead, and I hadn't stopped pacing. Justin had been gone for a few hours now, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. My hand was on my necklace, rubbing as I worried.

"He'll be fine," I muttered to myself as I paced, tracing over the single clean line I had created on the rock entrance. "He can defend himself. I just need to breathe and stop worrying." I forced myself to stand still and to drop my necklace. I needed to calm down. Pacing and worrying would accomplish nothing.

Another thought crossed my mind: Why am I so concerned about Justin?

This was a different kind of worry then the type I had when I was on missions with him. This was stronger, desperate almost. It was the worry that clenched my stomach with an iron fist and made my mind race.

"Probably because I don't want to be left here alone," I muttered, rising to my feet. Last night's conversation must have shown me that we were closer than partners, but rather friends. That made sense, we had been through enough together for that kind of relationship to evolve. That had to be it.

I walked over to the girl, needing to busy myself. I adjusted my coat over her, even though it was fine as it was. I checked her pulse and made sure she wasn't burning up or too cold. There wasn't much else I could do. I couldn't leave to find Justin, I couldn't help her anymore, and I couldn't get any supplies. Getting water was about the only thing I could do, but where would I store it?

At the thought of water, my mind moved to food. My stomach grumbled, reminding me that the only thing I had consumed was water. It would have to live with only that until Justin returned, hopefully with some food.

With nothing better to do, I returned to my pacing. I hated having to wait more than anything else. It got on my nerves, and made me restless. Thankfully, it didn't take long for a figure to dot the horizon. My hope rose quickly, my anxiety leaving me. Edoline's teaching rushed into my head, and I pulled out a sword, knowing that the figure could be anyone. I had to be prepared.

My fears were for nothing. As the figure walked closer, I recognized it as Justin, how he walked and how he was dressed giving it away. I put my sword away and took a seat while I waited for him.

"You took awhile," I greeted, extending my hand to my trainer as he climbed the steep hill. He took it gratefully, and I pulled him up to where I was sitting.

"Trying to convince a doctor to come out here took a while, and it was all for nothing," Justin said, his breathing a little heavy from the climb. He sat beside me, looking relieved to be sitting.

"They wouldn't come?"

Justin shook his head and pulled a loaf of bread out of his pocket, ripping a piece off for me. I took it gratefully, scarfing it down as he spoke. "There was only one in the town, and he wouldn't leave to come here, it was too far for him." He ripped his own piece of bread.

"I don't really blame him. His allegiance lies with that town, they need him more than a random stranger."


"How did you get this?" I asked, taking another piece of bread that Justin offered to me. The bread not only tasted nice, but it calmed my raging stomach. The hunger pains subsided as I swallowed the second piece.

"I used the jumper gem shards. They went for a high price at a jeweller's stall, so I was able to buy a few things."

"I thought we wanted to make a fracture that was easy to trace?"

"We do." Realising my confusion, Justin continued. "The fragments are only rocks, that's what they always were, just polished rocks with fancy symbols on them. When our jumper gems shattered, those symbols naturally faded, leaving just a broken rock. Water?"

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