Brela Chapter 46: Worry

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"It's called vasovagal syncope," Magda explained.

Magda, Justin—who had returned from a mission not that long ago—and I stood outside Rayja's room. The girl was on the bed, still unconscious from the incident in the simulation room. Verra was currently watching and checking on her.

"It can be caused by emotional trauma, and if she was reliving a traumatic experience, it could have very well triggered a fainting response," Magda continued, looking back at me.

"Will she be okay?" I asked.

"If she wakes up soon, yes," Magda assured me. "I wouldn't suggest letting her do that again though."

"I wasn't planning on it. I didn't even know that would happen."

Magda rested a hand on my shoulder. "It's not your fault, you couldn't have known. Rayja has dealt with a lot in her short life, it's not on you that you didn't know the specifics of her trauma."

All I could manage was a nod.

"Medical team to the control room immediately. I repeat, medical team to the control room immediately."

"Sorry," Magda said. "Verra, with me!" Then she was off running, issuing orders to a passing team of medical personnel, also running towards the control room.

Justin and I plastered ourselves to the wall to let Verra and Kheno run past. We gave each other a look of concern, then entered Rayja's room.

The young girl stirred as we entered. She remained laying with her back to us, the blanket pulled up to her chin.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. My voice was soft. I took a seat on the bedside stool. Justin took up a position behind me. Rayja was silent, not even acknowledging that we were there. I continued. "I just wanted to say that I am so sorry. You should have never had to go through that. I want to protect you, and I just proved that I can't." I hung my head.

"It's okay." My head shot up at the girl's voice. Rayja rotated to look at me. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her face had streaks of tears running down it. "It's not your fault. I can't get the memories to stop once they start, and they always replay. I hate them, but they never leave." Her voice cracked as she spoke. Tears ran down her cheeks. She bit her lip, closing her eyes. "It scares me."

"Brela and I understand, we both have experienced those types of traumatic moments. We can help you," Justin said. He moved around me, looking over to Rayja.

"My memories aren't what I'm scared of," she said. She looked up at us, and I could see the fear deep in her eyes. "It's what happens afterwards." The girl was silent. I didn't think I wasn't going to get an answer. Just as I was about to ask her for more information, Rayja spoke again.

"I can't contain my powers, I never could. I hurt those I care about when I'm afraid, and once I lose control it's hard to stop. Because I couldn't stop who I am, a world is gone. Nothing I do works. It controls me. I don't want it; all it has brought is pain. Rayja let out a shaky breath, tears streaming down her face. "I just want it to go away," she sobbed. "I killed so many, how can I live with that?" She turned away from Justin and I, hiding beneath the blankets once more.

My heart went out to the girl; having a power as deadly as hers and not being able to control it would scare anyone, especially a girl as young as her. And living with that guilt, it could ruin her.

I opened my mouth to comfort Rayja, only for Justin to shake his head.

"Do you want to be left alone?" Justin asked. Rayja said nothing, only pulling the blankets closer to her body. "If you need either one of us, tell one of the guards outside and they'll get us for you." I watched as she curled into a ball. I wanted to do something else, anything, but from experience, I knew that when one wanted to be left alone, they meant completely alone.

"We understand, and we are here for you." I said, giving Rayja's shoulder a squeeze. With a sigh, Justin and I left. The guards gave us a nod as we exited the room. I looked one last time at the girl. These exact feelings were what I had felt three years ago. Seeing another going through them not only made my own swell up again, but also made my feelings of sorrow grow. Still, I closed the door.

"You don't look okay," Justin commented as we walked away.

"It's been a long day," I muttered. "Seeing her like that, it just reminds me of my past." My mentor didn't press. He understood.

"Move! Move! We have injured coming through."

Justin and I quickly moved to the wall, clearing the hallway for the medical team to get past. The group of people was large, seven doctors and nurses. Two stretchers were being carried, and on them, Boradon and Siegefried. They held no physical injuries that I could see, but Boradon was an unhealthy pale, and Siegefried looked to be unconscious.

The group passed Justin and I, both of us asking the same question. If Boradon and Siegefried were in that condition, just who were they fighting? We didn't need any words passed between us before we took off running to the control room.

The normal bustling crowd had paused, everyone grouped together as they whispered and watched with concern. An aisle and area near the central desk was left vacant by the crowd. Magda, Mae, Haruto, Gryph, and Raymond, along with some medical personnel were the only ones in the clearing.

"Mae, this is not up for discussion," Magda snapped. "You can barely stand. You are not going after Edoline."

"I have to find her," Mae wheezed. She was propped against the desk, and it took every effort for her to stand there. A cut was on her cheek, leaking blood down her face. Seeing a wound on Mae set me on edge; it was unsettling. Mae pushed herself from the desk, only to stumble forward. Haruto caught her.

"I'll gather a team and go after her. You need to regain your strength," he said. Magda grabbed Mae from him, forcing her onto a stretcher. "We will find her; I promise you that."

Mae raised no more arguments and let the medical team take her.

"Okay," Haruto called out. He turned to the gathered crowd, his sightless eyes hovering over who was gathered. "Level six field agents, medical personnel, security agents or those who either can harm eternals or have weapons that don't use mehalta put your hands up." Himself, Cheryl, Justin and Gryph raised their hands, plus one more in the crowd. Gryph leaned over and whispered the number into the blind man's ear.

"Level five?" Haruto asked. Two more hands went up. "Okay. You're all with me. Let's head out, people." Chatter erupted, and the room started to clear. Wynn, Gloria, and someone I didn't know moved up to Haruto. Justin went to join them. Before I realised what I was doing, I grabbed his hand. Justin froze and turned to me.

"Please, be safe." The state Siegefried and Boradon were in terrified me, and if Justin was going, he would be no match for whoever had done that.

Justin, still shocked at my touch, finally managed a nod. I quickly let go of his hand. Then he was gone, joining with the rest of the gathered team at the front.

Haruto gave them a quick rundown of the situation, lasting no more than a few seconds. With nods of understanding, Gryph jumped the team of seven away, off to find Edoline.

My stomach knotted and clenched, withering with worry. I would have liked to say it was for Edoline, but deep down, I knew it wasn't.

Fractured Worlds (Worlds Away #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora