Edoline Chapter 48: Released

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Mirrikhad was a powerful figure, appearing more intimidating than gentle Gryph. His eyes that missed no detail landed upon Dewitt, who looked up at the general with awe. The look he got back was one of disgust.

"Demi filth," Mirrikhad spat. "You are the weakling who freed me?"

Dewitt stiffened at the insult. For a second, he stood frozen, unsure of what to say or do. Ever so slowly, he came back to his senses. He bowed his head and spoke, his voice clear and unwavering despite the disgust that Mirrikhad looked at him with. "Of course, My Lord. Lord Grim will be very pleased to hear of your return."

"From you, I doubt he would believe it," Mirrikhad scoffed. His eyes observed Dewitt, sizing him up. I remained where I was and watched.

"I'm sure you are aware, but many things have changed in your absence. We half-eternals are now allied with the eternals. Our might is stronger than ever, and more worlds have fallen and finally believed in their rightful gods."

If I had the energy, I would have snarled a comment.

Mirrikhad had a similar idea to me. He burst out laughing, his head thrown to the sky. Instantly he was sober again. "The great Grimtaladar, allying with the likes of you? Do you take me for a fool? Your power is nothing compared to ours. You are not worthy of living alongside us. I understood allowing his blood-tainted son to be one of us, but Grim allying with the rest of the half-eternals? Do not make me laugh. You are nothing but weaklings, tainted and filthy. You all should be wiped from the omniverse for the abominations you are."

Dewitt had a hard time keeping his cool. "I believe one of Grim's deciding factors was that it was better to have us on his side than MEPA's."

Mirrikhad was upon Dewitt in an instant, hand around his throat and lifting the half-eternal from the ground. "You will speak about Grim with respect," he snarled. Dewitt's eyes went wide at the sudden lack of air. "Edoline, I will do you a favour and rid the worlds of this Demi. I expect this to count for something." Mirrikhad's eyes remained upon the panicking Dewitt, who was now trying to break the eternal's hold. His hands clawed at Mirrikhad's arms, but his attempts were futile.

"By all means," I managed. I did not need to see Mirrikhad's face to know that an insatiable grin grew on it.

Mirrikhad dropped Dewitt to the ground and stepped back. "I want to enjoy this." He pulled my sword from his back, dropping it to the ground to allow more freedom to his movements. Rolling his shoulders, Mirrikhad stalked closer, his muscles rippling.

Dewitt scampered back, gasping for air. He did not move off the ground, instead remaining crouched in a defensive position.

Mirrikhad's walk showed he was hungry for a fight. He cracked his neck, eyeing Dewitt. "Get up," he growled. "Or are you too weak to do so?" The mocking manner about him was clear as he looked Dewitt over.

Choosing the smart option, Dewitt rose to his feet, backing away as he did so. Mirrikhad continued forward. If I had wanted to interfere, I would not have been able to stop Mirrikhad. He was too set upon this fight.

Dewitt backed away, panic in his stance. Slow and menacing, Mirrikhad approached. He curled his fingers around the hilt of Gryph's sword, drawing a whine from the blade as he eased it from the sheath. "It's odd not to be holding my own sword, but this isn't a bad weapon," Mirrikhad said, admiring the blade. The eternal let the sword glint in the misty sun. "It will serve its purpose and strike you down all the same." Mirrikhad's attention snapped back to Dewitt. He let the tip of the blade drag along the ground, a clean cut following in its wake.

Mirrikhad knew of the psychological effects certain actions could have. This was his specialty, his master art. Where my actions were done to achieve quick manoeuvrability, his were actions to invoke fear and intimidation.

In a blink, Dewitt's wide eyes, shaking hands, and cowering posture changed into confidence—he had only been acting. I was taken aback by the sudden change, but Mirrikhad was not. Dewitt's hand shot out, and I felt a dense wave of mental power roar towards Mirrikhad.

Any normal person would have dropped like a stone, out cold in an instant. Mirrikhad did not even stagger back. The fear and shock that retook Dewitt's emotions was genuine. I felt as the half-eternal released another wave of power. Mirrikhad continued forward, unchanged and unconcerned.

"How?" Dewitt stuttered, falling back.

Mirrikhad's shadow fell over the half-eternal, his sword already poised to come down. He gave no answer before it descended, but Dewitt was already gone. He jumped away a moment before the sword was to sink into his chest.

Mirrikhad let out a growl of rage, pulling the sword from the ground. I watched as his body tensed; he was going after Dewitt.
"No," I yelled, pushing myself to my feet. I did not make it to him first.

Melliny jumped down from the ridge, wrapping her arms and legs around Mirrikhad's large frame. The eternal grabbed her and with one powerful heave, threw the medic off him. She hit the ground hard, the air leaving her lungs in one loud gasp.

Wynnter and Gloria moved in next.

Ice crept up Mirrikhad's legs at Wynnter's command. Gloria vaulted into the air, ducking under Mirrikhad's swing. In her hand was a jump restricting cuff, which she placed onto Mirrikhad's wrist with ease.

The eternal was enraged. He threw one of Gryph's daggers, sending it towards Wynnter. Justin tackled the ice-user to the ground just in time. With Wynnter's concentration broken, the ice stopped growing. Mirrikhad brought his sword down upon the frozen crystal, cleaving it enough that he could break free from it.

Cheryl was beside me, asking me questions and looking me over as the field agents distracted the enemy. I waved her off, my attention on the fight at hand. I could not be distracted.

From behind Justin and Wynnter's fallen forms came Haruto. His footfalls were sure as he ran, and his foot made perfect contact with Mirrikhad's jaw as he leapt at him with a flying kick. He landed in a crouch, spinning around as Mirrikhad's body spun from the force of the attack.

"Gryph, I know you're in there. I just want to say I'm sorry." Haruto gave Mirrikhad no chance to respond before he moved upon him. He ducked under Gryph's sword, twisting his body to masterfully get through Mirrikhad's guard. The blind man's greatest strength was that others underestimated his skill due to his lack of sight. Mirrikhad appeared to be no different.

Haruto's daggers cut into Mirrikhad's forearm, severing a flexor tendon. The eternal's hand instantly dropped his sword. With his last movement, the blind man grabbed the swinging half of the cuffs and snapped it onto the eternal's wrist.

He careened out of the way. "Now."

Gloria's fist came in hard, striking Mirrikhad in the jaw. The eternal dropped. That was about the only thing those without eternal blood could do, knock one unconscious. And that was exactly what Gloria did.

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