Brela Chapter 63: Together Until the End

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The unit leaders of MEPA were silent after I had finished telling my story. I had begun with Team Igniatus, Justin, Rayja, and myself arriving on the world, and finished with Rayja reining in her powers. I didn't leave one detail out, no matter how small it seemed. I knew from experience that everything could be relevant.

Edoline appeared to be deep in thought, no doubt trying to piece clues together. Averial was jotting down notes on the status of World 64 and Razzerie. She was just finishing up her sentence when she spoke.

"Who is Razzerie truly allied with?" Averial asked. She looked up from her paper and around the room for anyone to give her an answer. Shrugging of shoulders and shaking of heads was all she received for an answer.

Mae was the first to speak. "There are a handful of other organisations out in the omniverse that rival the eternals, whether that is for selfish gain or truly pure reasons. As for which she belongs to, I am unsure."

"Are there any of those organisations that MEPA fights with?" I couldn't help but ask.

"One major one, yes." Mae nodded. "They have proven to be an issue in the past, and their methods are questionable." Mae didn't have to elaborate on that point: I understood enough.

"So, we don't know for sure if she's a part of that group?" I asked.

"I would doubt that." Edoline stepped in. "Considering what Razzerie said to both you and the director about not being able to stand by while others died, I would think that she would be a part of a group that MEPA has a truce with. That can also be seen by how she wanted to protect MEPA through saving Brela."

"I hope Edoline's right," Wayne muttered. I nodded my head in agreement. I didn't want to fight Razzerie again. Whether that was due to my feelings towards her helping me escape, or Razzerie's abilities, I didn't know. What I did know was that her ability was near impossible to counter, and having Razzerie as an ally would be better than having her as an enemy. I was pretty sure my thoughts mirrored everyone else's. Judging by the other nods around the table and the looks on faces, my assumption was true.
I leaned back, wincing at the pain. Magda noticed my pained expression, giving me a questioning look. I gave her a subtle nod of reassurance that I was fine.

Before this meeting, Magda had cleaned and bandaged my wounds. I had come away from my encounter with bruised ribs, severely ripped up hands, a split lip, a welt on my temple, cuts on my face and arms, and wounds on my knees that might scar. My nose turned out to be fine, thankfully.

Justin was going to be okay, much to Rayja and I's relief. Despite being thrown against the wall, his wound was minor. Mae's leg wound was the worse, as it was quite deep. Magda had been surprised that Mae had made it as far as she had without collapsing or such.

"How is Rayja doing?" Haruto asked. He leaned across the table, looking in the general direction of Magda.

"She's a little tired from using her powers, even in the short amount of time of using them, but she will be fine. She's currently resting with Celia and Justin staying with her until Brela can get there."

Wayne was the next to speak. "I know that Rayja did this to save Brela, but I don't think we should leave this matter alone and just forget about this. She is extremely powerful for someone as young as herself, and with time her powers will grow."

"We're not going to ignore this, but Rayja's only intention was to save Brela. She means us no ill will," Mae's voice was stern as she spoke, protective almost. "Rayja's powers are connected to her emotions, we know that. There have been no incidents where she has lost control."

"She destroyed a world," pointed out Wayne.

I cut in next. "Because her loved one was murdered in front of her."

"Rayja has basic control over her powers, enough that she is not a threat to us. If she loses control, then we shall have this conversation. But not until then. I realise your concern comes from the safety of MEPA, but we must trust Rayja in order for her to trust us." Wayne nodded at Mae's words. He leaned back in his chair, excepting the decision.

Despite Rayja telling me that she didn't believe she had basic control over her powers, I didn't speak up to correct Mae. I probably should have mentioned that fact, but considering that in her weeks spent with us she hadn't lost control once, I opted to remain silent. Rayja had basic control, even if she herself couldn't see that.

"Since that is resolved, I would like to discuss another issue." Our attention turned to Magda. "I would like to talk about Brela's supposed mind block."

"I agree," Mae said. She looked at Edoline.

Edoline didn't need any prompting. "What Razzerie said is true; a mind can only be blocked if one has ancestors with that ability, or someone has placed a mind block there."

"I doubt either." I said.

"I can't help but agree," Gryph said, speaking up for the first time since the start of this meeting. "To get to Brela's world requires jumping, and there are only two individuals that I know of who are telepathic and can jump. Neither Edoline nor Dewitt have any reason to block Brela's mind."

"So that limits the options down to there being another telepathic who can jump," Wayne said.

"Or there was a telepathic person in Brela's ancestry," Averial pointed out.

Edoline rose from her seat. She crossed the room to me, stopping just before my own chair. "May I see?" She asked. I turned around to face her. After my nod of permission, the vivifica touched her index and middle fingers to my temple. My thoughts flashed back to Dewitt and his ferocious attack, but I pushed them away. Edoline was gentler than Dewitt and meant me no harm.
The vivifica closed her eyes and turned very still. Everyone watched Edoline. Seconds ticked by. The whirling of a motor was the only sound, other than the bouncing of someone's leg against the table. There was a pointed clearing of the throat, then the bouncing leg stopped.

Edoline opened her eyes and took a step back. "Brela's mind is indeed blocked, and by a very strong individual. I am unsure of how or why it was activated when it was."

"Can you undo it?" Magda asked.

"Possibly. With more time."

"Will there be any damage if it stays?"


"Edoline, do you think that we should undo it?" Mae asked.

"That choice would ultimately be up to Brela. Either choice would be with its own benefits and very few drawbacks." Edoline looked at me, waiting for an answer. The other unit leaders did the same.

If they wanted a solid answer now, I didn't have one. Not yet. "I would need more time to think this over. I want to know all the benefits before I make any choices."

Edoline bowed her head. "Understandable."

"And," I continued, "I would like to figure out why I have it." There had to be a reasoning. It made no sense for it to be there otherwise. Something was being hidden from me, but what exactly?

"Very well." Edoline retook her seat. "I will help you in any way I can, if you will accept my help."

I appreciated her asking, despite already knowing my answer. "Like you need to ask Edoline." Edoline was the only person I would trust with this. If anyone could figure this out, it would be her.

"Brela makes a strong point," Mae said.

"I do?"

"Yes." Pulling in a breath, Mae rose to her feet. "There will be a great many battles ahead of us; the eternals are stepping up their game, so we must step up ours as well. Together is the only way through."

"Then together is what we will do." That statement held power when Raymond said it, from the tone of his voice to the look on his aged face.

Wayne noticed it too. "Well said," he commented. "Well said indeed."

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