Brela Chapter 36: The A-Team

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Edoline stood to her full height, a stoic and calm look on her face. Zyair stood at her side, positioning his body between me and the enemy, two daggers in his hands. Edoline glared at the half-eternal, studying him as he rose. Despite her calm appearance, her eyes portrayed different emotions: determination and a slightly murderous look. She was deadly still as she watched her opponent. If I was him, I would have probably forfeited, the look and posture of Edoline being more intimidating than any words. Then she moved.

Her sword flashed out, going to disarm the enemy. The half-eternal blocked, his pitiful dagger less than effective.

I scrambled to my feet, eyes glued on the fight.

Edoline had the upper hand, but she didn't fully attack the half-eternal, only using as much energy as it needed to beat him. It didn't take long before she got past his guard, spinning and connecting the pommel of her sword with the side of his head. He dropped like a stone, crumpling to the ground. Instantly, Edoline's ferocity in her stance left. Her attention turned to me.

"Are you unharmed?" She asked, her eyes looking me over despite her question. Zyair moved away, collecting my discarded sword from the ground.

I managed a "yeah." Thankfully my voice was not shaky. I took my sword from Edoline's fiancé with a nod, eyes trying to avoid the red liquid on it. Edoline nodded her head, down to business.

"Siegefried and Boradon are on their way, we came ahead of them. Until then, we must hold these half-eternals off. Zyair and I will help Justin and Igniatus, you will help Aliverata free her team." Edoline and Zyair left before I could question her commands.

Bile rose up in my throat as I looked at my bloodied blade. I flicked my wrist and put it away, unable to look at the sight. As the blood fell from the blade, the memories threatened to resurface. I pushed them down.

Verra let out a pained yell, snapping my attention to my job. Her arm was twisted behind her back as a half-eternal forced her to her knees. Her dagger clattered to the ground. Kheno dragged herself across the ground, trying to get to her Chosen. The dragon's wings hung at her sides, limp as they too dragged. I sprinted and reached the girl first.

I barreled into the man. He barely moved, but it was enough for him to release Verra. She fell to the ground, shimmying behind me. My foot found the fallen dagger, and I kicked it towards the three prisoners, my eyes locked upon the half-eternal.

He rose to his full height, and I had to look up to meet his eyes. When he shrugged off his cloak, I gulped. Not only was he tall, but he was very, very fit. His muscles were clearly defined by his tight fitting shirt. He let out a grin. My own was a weak one. There was no way I was fighting him; not a chance.

His greatsword came down where I had just been. I rolled away, scrambling to my feet as I pulled Verra to hers. She scooped up Kheno as we ran past. The giant lumbered after us, his sword coming down again.

I shoved Verra away, using that movement to get myself out of the blade's path. It left a crack in the ground between Verra and I. We both looked at it, eyes wide. The giant's head whipped towards me. His attention was solely on me, and I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. There was no time for me to choose.

I dove from the next descent of his blade, and I felt the wind as it hit the ground again. That had been too close, much too close for my liking.

I jumped to my feet, running away from the captured MEPA members and Verra.

The sword flew towards me again, this time in an arc. I dropped to my knees, bending my head back so it missed me. The blade passed over, millimetres away from my forehead. I was cutting it way too close.

I leapt to my feet, spinning to face the giant. Another man darted in front of me. He thrust his arms towards the half-eternal, upon instinct I ducked. A chill set into the air. Ice crackled up the enemy's body, coating him in seconds. He let loose a roar of rage, twisting his freezing body towards us. He only had enough time to stab one last time. He finished freezing with his blade just touching Wynnter's chest. Wynn didn't seem bothered.

Slowly I rose.

The giant's head was the only unfrozen part of him, and it was twisted into rage, his eyes settled onto Wynn.

"I'll take this, if you don't mind." Wynn's hand grabbed the iced blade, and with a flying kick, connecting with the giant's jaw and pulling his sword from his grasp. The frozen man slumped in his ice cocoon, unconscious.

I looked at Wynn. "Thank you," I breathed

The black-haired man turned to me. Even being from the same world as Igniatus, he was the opposite of the fire wielder. Wynn's eyes and hair were normal, unlike Igniatus', and he had a grouping of small blue scales near the corners of his eyes, accented by his dark skin.

He grinned at me. "Looks like you needed it."

"You don't even know how much."

The other half-eternals were down. Celia stood over the ones who had been guarding her and her other team members, a golden sword in her hand. Gloria was beside Verra and Igniatus, the three half-eternals at their feet with burns and cuts on them. Gloria didn't have a sword, only Verra's dagger, which she returned to the Chosen.

Justin's eyes found mine, relief in his. I could see him relax upon seeing that I was okay. I gave him a reassuring smile, eyes drifting to the half-eternal that was unconscious at his feet.

Clapping echoed around the room. The hairs on the back of my neck rose, and I quickly pulled out my clean sword. Everyone moved into a defensive stance, moving together to form a circle, our backs to each other. Swords were drawn/summoned instantly. Igniatus had fire roaring in his hands, his hair already aflame. Gloria wielded the giant's sword in place of her missing one. The ice that was previously on the sword was circling around Wynn in small shards, ready to be used at a moment's notice.

"Nicely done." The red-haired half-eternal stepped from the shadows. She held no visible wounds from the rock fall Igniatus, Justin, and I had left her under. The theory of her being able to control rocks didn't seem too far-fetched now. "I didn't expect you all to make it this far." She continued. More half-eternals stepped up beside her, and with them two MEPA agents. The two half-eternals on either side of the leader held Siegefried and Boradon, the two vivificas' swords and daggers held by another half-eternal. Surprisingly, both agents looked calm and unconcerned.

Everyone, minus Edoline, stiffened at the sight. If these half-eternals had captured two of MEPA's best, what chance did we have?

"Who are you?" Zyair demanded, stepping forward.

The leader grinned. "You can call me Razzerie."

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