Edoline Chapter 61: Powers Unleashed

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Team after team returned bearing no news. No leads had been discovered of Brela's whereabouts, other than her blood on the first world. If only we had a jumping trail to follow, then we would have had some lead that we could pursue. Even a cryptic path would be more helpful than what we had. I was cursing Zerbelgrim's ability.

Siegefried and Boradon returned from their latest world. I looked up at their arrival, only to see shaking heads. Nothing once again. I was running out of ideas.

None of our allies had heard anything of the kidnapping, nor had any of their inside spies. To make matters worse, the director's location was still unknown. The note that she had left allowed room for assumptions and gave rise to more questions than answers, none of which we had time for currently.

"We've checked every possible world. None of them have anything," Boradon said as he and my partner approached me and the other unit leaders.

Haruto's brow scrunched as he thought. "Who is asking around the hub?"

"Chane, Caelan, Cam, and Jarek," Averial said. "The last time they checked in they had found nothing."

"We're on our own for this one," Raymond said. "Our resources are growing thin. I don't know how many more people we can dedicate to this." As much as he did not want to say that statement, it needed to be said. And as much as I did not want to agree with Raymond, he was right. Having this many teams out searching for one person was taking a toll on MEPA's average numbers of fixed fractures. As it was, that number was already down.

"We need to maintain this longer, just until Gloria, Chane, and Cheryl return. Their results will dictate our next course of action." Nods moved through the group of unit leaders at my words.

Shaking overtook the base. My arms snapped out in an instant, steadying me. All around me, people collapsed and grabbed onto each other, the walls, or the desk for support. Confusion rose into the air.

How was this happening? Pocket dimensions never had earthquakes. Even if it was possible, this felt different, more powerful. This was no normal phenomenon.

Dust rained down from the air, but the building held. The computers blurred and turned blank, the central display orb phasing in and out. Lights flickered, dimming and brightening, swaying as the shaking grew. No one knew what to do.

Through the fallen and crouched crowd, two figures appeared. At once, their arms were out, and together, they struggled to stand. I knew who they were as soon as I saw them, and my relief grew.

Brela did not wait for Director Cornelia's hand to leave her shoulder before she was off running. She staggered through the shaking building, weaving through the crouched and confused crowd. Wounds covered the woman's hands, knees, and face. Oddest of all, Brela had an additional two swords on her hips.

"Get the people to safety," I said, turning to the unit leaders, Siegefried, and Boradon. Whether this was a normal earthquake or not, crouching in an open room was not ideal.

"We're on it," Raymond said.

We dispersed, moving slowly through the crowd and calling out for people to move to the nearest wall or under the central desk. I left that task up to the others as I ran towards the director and Brela, using all the stability I had. Brela met me first.

"Where's Rayja?" She demanded. There was a fierce desire in her eyes, protective and deadly should one stop her. Brela knew something about what was transpiring.

"In her room," I said.

Brela needed nothing else said before she took off. The director ran after her, and I followed. Most of the crowd had moved to the walls, clearing a path for our slow run. My telekinesis was in constant use as I aided Brela, the director, and myself in keeping our balance. The closer that we got to the medical area, the more the shaking increased and the harder it was for me to keep everyone upright.

Fractured Worlds (Worlds Away #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang