Brela Chapter 60: A Perilous Escape

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The hallways were quiet as I snuck through them. Despite the reassuring weight of my swords once again on my waist and the ring on my finger, I was nervous, fearful of what would happen should I be discovered. I didn't allow myself to dwell on those thoughts too much. I needed to keep my attention on getting out of here.

Despite trying to think of only my escape, my thoughts drifted back to my necklace. It had been nowhere to be found in the room with my weapons, nor did Razzerie have it. She had never seen it here, or on me when they had brought me in. I had been able to find everything else, even a cloth to clean my face with, but not my most precious possession. Even with all my attachments to the necklace, I could not afford to search endlessly for it. As much as it hurt me to leave the only reminder of my family behind, I did. It was painful to leave that piece of me behind.

Chatter reached my ears. I ducked behind the wall, my heart thundering in my ears. I held my breath as the group approached, staying as close to the wall as I could. A small group of eternals and half-eternals walked past my position, unaware of my presence. I didn't dare move until the voices were long gone.

Cautiously, I poked my head out, looking both ways. The hallway was clear. Finally, I allowed myself to breathe. That had been close, much too close.

I continued onwards, repeating the directions Razzerie had given me. They were straight forward enough, but being in the fortress of an eternal controlled world presented a whole new set of challenges, as I was figuring out.

My footsteps seemed to echo in my ears. Every sound, from the slightest creak of the building to voices made me duck for cover. The amount of adrenaline running through my veins was intense, leaving my body shaking and breath heavy.

Another set of footsteps sent me scrambling into a room. I closed the door just as another patrol turned the corner. I listened as the steps stopped. As slowly as I could, I cracked the door open just wide enough for me to see the patrol. This time, they weren't as calm.

"This hallway is clear," the leader said. I didn't need to hear the other half of the conversation to know that the eternal was talking to Dewitt via telepathy. After a moment of silence, the eternal nodded his head. He turned to address his troops. "You two, stay here encase the prisoner comes this way. The rest of you are with me." The group divided with no question.

The two guards ordered to stay behind stationed themselves near the junction at the end of the hallway. Their gazes moved from one side of the hall to the other. My heart sputtered as their eyes landed on my door. I spun behind the door, not evening daring to breathe. No alarm was raised, and not footsteps approached me, but I didn't dare move.

Breathe, I told myself. I took in a shaky breath, and turned back to the crack, hand on my swords. The two guards hadn't noticed me. They were looking straight ahead, oblivious to my presence. I let out a breath, relieved beyond words. Easing the door shut with trembling hands, I slide down it. My head rested on my knees, and I begged my racing heart to calm. I hadn't been noticed, but my way out was blocked. Why did this have to get worse?

No, I can't think like that, I scolded myself. I couldn't sit around waiting to be discovered as I panicked. I needed to make a new plan and move. Pushing myself to my feet, I scanned the room I was in.

It was a spacious chamber. A lavish four poster bed was in the centre, with extravagant fabrics, pillows, and blankets covering it and the furniture. Two swords were propped against the stone wall beside the window, expensive curtains drawn tight over the glass. Very little light was let into the room.

An idea came to mind.

I crossed the room as quietly as I could. With one pull, I threw the curtains aside. A few floors below me, laid the garden.

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