Brela Chapter 58: An Unforeseen Ally

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My arms dropped to my side. Clanging met my ears: the chains had been cut.

I was instantly on my feet, tackling Razzerie to the ground. Her back met the stone floor, the air driven from her lungs. I wrestled the half-eternal's sword from her, holding it to her throat as I held her down.

"Give me one reason not to kill you right now," I snarled. She had freed me. But why?

"The eternals are a genocidal race that don't care about the sufferings of other people." My grip slackened at those words. "Good enough?" Razzerie raised an eyebrow.

"For now." I let the half-eternal stand, keeping her sword levelled at her throat. "Why did you help me?" I nodded towards the chains.

"That's a long story."

"Start talking, or I reconsider letting you speak."

Razzerie threw her hands up. "Hey, we're all on the same side here."

"Then start talking and prove it."

"I don't know how much time we have alone. At any mo—"

"Talk. Now." I took a threatening step closer, holding the sword higher.

Razzerie took a step back. "Fine. I'll tell you what you want to know but if we get caught, it's not my fault. Don't say I didn't warn you."

I glared. Razzerie started speaking.

"I'm a double agent placed within the eternal's ranks. I'm not a MEPA agent, before you ask. I'm with another group who hate the eternals probably even more than your people. My mission was to gain Zerbelgrim's trust in order to learn vital information about the eternal's movements and plans so then I could warn the worlds of the danger. I hate what I had to do to get here, but the number of lives I have saved outweighs the ones I have taken."

"Like I'll believe that," I scoffed. Despite my words I lowered the sword, my arms growing heavy.

"Okay, let me prove it to you. Three months ago, when I captured Siegefried and Boradon, I knew it was too easy. I knew they had let me: they're the A-Team, how do you think I caught them? I didn't. When I threatened to kill Siegefried, I knew of his ability, everyone does. He saw that I had the intention of killing him. I counted on that so then he could free himself. I couldn't exactly let him go. I needed to uphold my act, so I let Siegefried, and everyone else, think that he freed himself. I knew he had a dagger on him, so I left it with him when we first captured him."

"This is all just your view on events," I pointed out. "How can I believe that? How do I know you aren't trying to earn my trust and learn where MEPA is located? How do I know that this isn't all a part of Zerbelgrim's master plan?"

Razzerie went to say something, only to stop with her mouth slightly open. "Okay, that's a fair point," she said. "How can I convince you?" I could see that the half-eternal was trying to get me to believe her. Still, I was sceptical. "Oh, what about this?" Razzerie pulled a ring off her finger. I instantly recognized it as my dagger.

"Better." I slipped the metal band onto my own finger. "But why help me? You could be blowing your cover if what you say is true."
Razzerie turned away from me. Her shoulders slumped, and when she spoke, her voice turned distant. "I've been standing by idle for too long now. I can no longer pretend to be one of them and watch as the eternals commit atrocities. This was the last straw."


"No. Rayja."

My heart stopped dead in my chest. A chill crept over me, the hands of dread tightening around my throat. I had a hard time drawing in a breath as I spoke. "Where is she?" My voice was low, my mouth dry and hands clenched at my sides. My knuckles turned white around the sword's hilt.

"Safe with MEPA. Justin jumped away with her and Team Igniatus, but not before Zerbelgrim got to her."

My patience was gone. "What happened?" I snapped. I wanted the whole truth, not these cryptic pieces.

"She's unharmed," Razzerie promised me. She turned around and faced me once again. "But Zerbelgrim found her. He made a deal with her; for your return, all she had to do was destroy MEPA's base. Rayja didn't have much choice but to agree."

"Zerbelgrim intended to uphold this?" That didn't seem like something he would do.

The half-eternal scoffed, "Of course not. Rayja doesn't know that destroying a world will cost her her life. Zerbelgrim was going to use you to get information of MEPA's allies, rendezvous locations, and anything else he could get from you. You are nothing more than a pawn that he intended to use until you broke."

I didn't know that kind of information, but I doubted that Zerbelgrim would have cared. "I have to get back then. I must stop Rayja."

Razzerie nodded her head. "I agree. That's why I'm helping you."

I handed the woman her sword. I didn't trust her enough to stake my life upon it, but Rayja and MEPA were in danger, and they needed me. Razzerie gained nothing from aiding me, and certainly nothing from letting me escape. So, I would trust her. For now.
Razzerie tossed me something. I caught it and recognized it as the keys to my cuffs. I let them clatter to the ground. "I don't have a way off of here," I quickly realised. Wherever here was. I had given Rayja my jumper gem.

Razzerie helped me yet again. "I can do that, but I need to deal with something first. Meet me in the back gardens. I will come from the west, then we will jump to MEPA."

"How do you expect me to get out of here alone? And with only a dagger?" I asked. "Time is of essence here. I don't have time to fight with only this." I held up my head for emphasis.

"Can you not summon swords?"

I scoffed. "That's Justin's ability, not mine."

"You did it when you fought me."

"That was a one-time deal. I can't summon swords. I'm completely normal."

"Then you're not married?"

I nearly choked. "Definitely not."

Razzerie's eyes widened. "Then Justin places a great deal of trust in you. It's an honour to be given a spirit sword to wield."

I stood there for a moment. I knew he trusted me, and it didn't seem like that big of a deal, but the way Razzerie said it, it sounded like something more than just simple trust between trainer and trainee. I had always thought of it as a spur of the moment decision. I hadn't been able to fight, so Justin had given me the tools I needed to continue and ensure our victory. Deep down, I had never really believed that reasoning.

I shook my head. "We should get going. The sooner we get to MEPA, the more of a chance we have of saving it."

"Very well. Go sit against the wall. I'll deal with the guard."

I did as Razzerie asked, twisting my dagger so the blade extended. I hid it behind my arm and slumped against the wall. Seeing that I was ready, Razzerie knocked on the metal door. It took a second before it was unlocked and opened for her. It locked behind her, and I was left to wait.

Muffled voices were all I heard. Suddenly, there was a clash against the door, followed by a body crumpling to the ground. It took a few seconds before the door was opened again, a body slumping inside. Razzerie lugged it towards me as I rose. She clasped another set of cuffs onto his wrists. Razzerie turned to me.

"Well, are you coming or not?" She didn't wait for my answer before she left the cell.

I didn't know what I had gotten myself into, or what I was heading towards, but it didn't matter, not when it came down to protecting Rayja. I had promised myself that I would protect her, no matter what it was from. This was no exception.

I ran after Razzerie.

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