Brela Chapter 33: Allies

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Justin moved faster than I had ever seen him move. Throwing his arms out, his five blades shot through the air, each going for one of our attackers.

One hit its mark, the target crumpling to the ground, dying. The leader deflected her intended blade, while another half-eternal dodged around his attack. The fourth half-eternal moved from the path of the sword, only gaining a small cut on his shoulder for his efforts. The last one tried to dodge as well but wasn't as lucky. The sword caught his cloak, bringing him to the wall and keeping him there. He struggled as the remaining three continued their charge.

The swords that had missed the half-eternals disappeared, reappearing in Justin's grasp after a few seconds of delay. I followed his lead. I pulled out my second sword, flicking my wrist as I caught the blade of my attacker, my swords crossed in a "X". Pushing the blade back, I moved, taking the offensive. And just like that, the fight was on. Justin and I fought, trying to keep on the offensive as we passed our opponents between us.

Fighting one opponent was hard enough, but watching a second was near impossible, although having Justin helped. He kept two of them occupied most of the time, which left me with just the one.

Justin was an amazing sword fighter. His footwork was flawless, and his swords almost seemed like they had a mind of their own, dancing how they pleased. Having two opponents didn't seem to affect him much, even when the leader had incredible skills. I understood why Mae had placed me under Justin's tutelage.

Suddenly, I had two half-eternals, and it was not the one that Justin and I bounced between us; it was the one from the wall. He moved in so fast that I was taken off guard, and that was my mistake.

He didn't even bother drawing his sword but came at with just his fists as his buddy continued his advance with his sword. One strong fist to my gut had me stumbling backwards.

The two walked towards me, the new one slowly drawing his sword, a smile growing on his face. I held both of my swords out, at the ready. My eyes watched the two as they stalked forward, eyeing me as if I was their prey.

"Hey, Demis!"

Both of my attackers turned at the voice, halting in their tracks. They were shocked to be met by a gout of flame. One rolled out the way, quickly quenching the fledgling flame. The second half-eternal stumbled backwards, patting out his burning sleeve in a panic. The mysterious fire man approached, his hands raised in a challenge. He had shaggy hair, the tips a lighter copper compared to the rest. That wasn't the oddest thing about him though: he had golden eyes, and the pupils were slits like those of a lizard's.

The two half-eternals attacking Justin stopped, and Justin almost looked relieved. Slowly, he backed up towards me breathing hard as well.

"Aren't you looking for me?" the fire man asked, his voice taunting. He held his arms out, inviting a fight.

The leader of these half-eternals nodded her head. Two of her followers listened, moving towards the fire man with their swords drawn. He didn't seem concerned, only grinned. He reacted quickly.

The fire man's hands snapped closed then open, fire roaring in his palms. The two half-eternals stopped, preparing for an attack. With a strong throw, the balls of fire sailed over all the half-eternals heads and struck the wall. They burned there for a second or two before extinguishing themselves.

"Your aim is sloppy," The leader mocked, turning back to the fire man.

"Oh, I never miss." A vicious grin grew, and his golden eyes seemed to glow brighter.

A thunderous rumbling shook the room. The fire man's attack had hit the cave ceiling, weakening it enough that cracks shot out, spider webbing through the stone. Dust was already coming down, the roof was not going to be far behind. The half-eternals were already scattering, fear in their stances.

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