Brela Chapter 32: Three Months Prior

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"So, we're going on a rescue mission?" I asked.

Mae nodded her head. "Yes. The team you're going after calls themselves Team Igniatus. They have a bad habit of not checking in. According to them they lose track of time, but I'm pretty sure it's because they forget or think someone on the team will check in, but no one does.

"All you need to do is jump there, confirm they're not in need of aid, finish up the mission, then come right back. Knowing them, they'll probably be done by time you get there," Mae assured me.

"We'll get on it right away," Justin said, rising from his seat. I followed his lead.

"They went to World 122, so you won't need to worry about blending in," Mae said.

Nodding his head, Justin held the door open for me.

"Why don't we have to blend in on this world that we're going to?" I asked, pivoting to face Justin as he shut the office door.

"World 122 is a world where very few cities are populated, most of the population was killed due to a war," Justin said. He turned his head to look at me as we descended the stairs and moved towards the central station. "The inhabitants understand that there's something more out there, that something being us. There aren't many fractures because of that."

"Sad, but that's a bonus," I said.

Justin stopped in front of the desk, leaning closer to speak to the cleric. "Justin Keeswood and Brela Prenott. We're heading on a rescue mission to World 122 after Gloria Rosewood, Wynnter Serpentson, Igniatus Drakeson, Celia Keeswood, and Aliverata Lokken"

"Okay," the man said after writing down something. "You're good to go."

"I'm assuming Celia is your sister?" I questioned. Despite being acquainted with Justin for two weeks now, I didn't really know much about him.

"Yes," Justin said after thanking the man and walking away. "Do you want to jump on your own?"

"Not now. I'm still not sure about jumping to worlds where I've never been before."

Justin nodded his head in understanding. He moved his hand towards my shoulder, letting it hover there before I nodded my head. As soon as he touched me, I felt the familiar jumping sensation take place. Then we were in a very different place.

"My gosh," I said, my own voice barely audible as I beheld the sight in front of me.

A city— if it could be called that— sat at our feet. It was destroyed. The ancient structures had vegetation growing on and through them. They were falling apart, with roofs caved in and whole structures leaning towards the ground. There were no cars anywhere, since this wasn't a modern day city, but I wouldn't have been surprised if I spotted one lying abandoned somewhere, the windows smashed in and doors left open.

"Like I said, abandoned cities," Justin said, beholding the sight. Silence grew as we looked at the sight. "Come on, we've got to find the others," Justin finally said, waving me after him. Together, we started making our way towards the town.

"So, Mae said that Team Igniatus doesn't check in often," I said, trying to make conversation. "Does that mean they have a lot of teams going after them?"

"Yes. My team was typically the one," Justin sighed.

"You have a team?"

"Had," he corrected. "We all went our own ways. It was Boradon, a half-eternal, and me. The half-eternal, she left MEPA for her own reasons, leaving just Boradon and myself. We both joined Edoline and Siegefried on some of their missions, then Boradon joined them full time. I was hopping around from team to team for a few years. Then Mae paired me up with you." Justin stopped suddenly. "We're here," Justin said, not leaving me with a chance to respond to his story.

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