Mae Chapter 59: Betrayal

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My breathing was ragged as Zerbelgrim and I fought. My arms were growing tired, and the cut on my leg ached with each movement. Despite my fatigue, I could see it in Zerbelgrim too.

He held his arm close to his body, the cut on his upper arm seeping into his shirt. He was favouring his injured leg, and his own breath was coming in gasps, though his was less intense than mine.

We watched each other. Again, we launched at the enemy, swords ready. We never made contact.

My sword was pushed back by an invisible force. I allowed my body to move with the attack. I flipped and landed on my feet, a few feet away from Zerbelgrim. There, moving to his side was Razzerie.

Her hand fell back down as she arrived beside her leader. Her face was emotionless as she whispered in Zerbelgrim's ear. Regardless of her hushed tone, I knew she wanted me to hear what she had to say.

"I've gotten information from the prisoner. It requires your immediate attention."

My first thought was Charlotte, but that was quickly disproven by Zerbelgrim's next words. "Brela broke? How interesting."

My heart thundered in my chest.

Brela, here? How had that happened? No, those thoughts didn't matter, not when her wellbeing was on the line. Again, someone was taken from me, and I was played for a fool once more. There was no possible way I was going to let Zerbelgrim get away with this. Not this time.

Zerbelgrim noted my expression, taking pleasure in it. "We will have to settle this score another time. Until then." There were no other words before he spun on his heel and strutted away, Razzerie a step behind.

"I will not let you leave," I snarled. I moved to follow. Zerbelgrim raised a hand, and four guards entered the room. I didn't have time for this. With one attack flashing to each opponent, I dealt with them. I stepped over the bodies; eyes locked upon Zerbelgrim. That was when I noticed it.

Razzerie held a small knife in her hand, positioned near Zerbelgrim's back, pointed at a lethal spot. He suspected nothing as they left the room.

"Lord Zerbelgrim!" An out of breath guard sprinted into the room. I couldn't stop his next words. "The prisoner has escaped."
Zerbelgrim whirled around. His eyes caught the glint of Razzerie's knife before she could hide it. Upon instinct, he knocked it from her hand and sent her stumbling back.

"Interesting. You, of all people, betraying me?" He scoffed, shaking his head. "For some reason, I'm not surprised."

Razzerie backed up closer to me, drawing her sword. "I couldn't stand idle any longer, not while innocents were being murdered."
"Did you forget that you murdered innocents too?"

"And that will haunt me for the rest of my life, but if I can put a stop to it, I will. And that starts with ensuring that MEPA survives."
I blinked back my surprise. Zerbelgrim may have been unaffected by Razzerie's betrayal, but it had surprised me. From the stories I had heard of her, she didn't take me as some to turn her back on the eternals.

More guards flooded into the room. They quickly circled the two of us, weapons already drawn. I quickly went back-to-back with Razzerie. Any ally I would take gratefully.

Zerbelgrim was lost in the crowd, but his voice was clear. "If you will excuse me, I have a prisoner to retrieve." That was all the prompting the guards needed to attack.

They swarmed towards Razzerie and me. Together, we acted. Our swords flashed out, deflecting blow after blow. We stayed with our backs together, protecting the other. I didn't know if I could trust Razzerie, but in that moment I came to realise that we had to help each other. That was the only way we both could get out of here.

Razzerie held the advantage. With her powers, she was pushing her opponent's back, or disarming them with a flick of her wrist. Sometimes she turned their own weapons upon them, or on each other. Regardless of how she fought, the half-eternals and eternals thought twice before approaching her, but even that didn't save them.

I was swiftly taking down the half-eternals, their own skills with the sword significantly weaker than my own. The eternals were the only issue, and if I had been able to fight how I normally did against such enemies, it would be an easier battle. But with Zerbelgrim no doubt blocking jumping, I couldn't jump around and confuse the enemy. Still, I held my ground.

Together Razzerie and I fought, knowing instinctively what the other was going to do. When she felt my body tense one way, she moved the other way to cover me. When I felt her shift her footing, I moved mine to accommodate her.

Razzerie was fighting an eternal as I took the last half-eternal's life. I felt the mehalta manipulator crouch down, and I knew what to do. I rolled over her back, my foot knocking the eternal's sword aside. I easily slipped past his guard. He was dead before he hit the ground.

Razzerie and I straightened. All around us laid the dead, but we stood there, unharmed. I turned to her. Before I could open my mouth, she spoke.

"I don't have much time to explain, but Brela is fine. She's waiting for me in the gardens. You must get her out of here. I'll take care of Zerbelgrim so you two can leave."

I sheath my sword. "What are you going to do after that?"

"Go home. I have people waiting for me."

"Good luck then." I gave the half-eternal a nod.

"Hurry." Then Razzerie sprinted off after Zerbelgrim.

I would have never expected her to betray the half-eternals, or even to aid me, but it had worked in my favour. Whatever her motive, I was glad that she had helped me. This event showed me how much I didn't know.

I followed Razzerie's example and sprinted towards the exit. Despite my goal coming here, Brela was more important. I had an opportunity to save one of my own, and I was going to do just that. Fate was giving me a chance, and I was going to seize it.

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