Mae Chapter 45: Found Then Lost

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I jumped to the last world on the list, and quickly sensed that Charlotte was already here, Edoline only a step behind. I didn't need to see them to know that they were near me.

"Anything?" I asked, walking over to the two. Edoline jumped down from the scaffolding as Charlotte walked up to me.

"Just dead ends," Charlotte shrugged.

"My finds were just as ineffective," Edoline added.

I grumbled. "Hopefully this world can give us something."

"We may have missed something in our previous searches," Edoline said. Charlotte nodded. It wasn't far-fetched. We didn't even know what we were really looking for, we just hoped that we would know it when we saw it, or even find a lead of where to look next.

"Since we're all here, Edoline, you can check out police records of missing women that might fit the Chosen's description. Charlotte, you can look into lore and history. I'll start in the library. We'll converge there when we've finished. Let's hope we find something useful."

Edoline gave me a nod of understanding then set off.

"I'm honestly doubtful about this one," Charlotte said. She gave me no time to respond before she too set off, pulling out her map as she went.

I went my own way, heading towards town. It wasn't hard to find someone and ask them where the library was. The library clerk was all too happy to help me find old newspapers and articles. She believed my story of writing a paper about missing women from a certain era, and even brought me a few books that she said might have some information in them.

After three hours of reading and taking notes of potential candidates, my search ultimately proved fruitless. Edoline and I would send names back and forth via her telepathy, only for most of them to be shot down. Charlotte gave us a few to check out as well, but they weren't promising either. We added to our lists from the previous worlds, but none of the women seemed to stand out.
I let out a sigh, pushing yet another newspaper away. I threaded my fingers through my hair. Why did the youngest brother choose the woman that he did? Why was she so special? Out of every person in the infinite omniverse, her? But why? There had to be some evidence somewhere, some physical proof. Just where?

"Mae," Charlotte's voice came. "I believe I've found something, but the eternals are here, Dewitt for sure. I don't know how safe it is to talk like this, especially with this information. I'm coming to you."

"Understood," I said. I hurriedly rose from my seat. Contradictory to my ethics, I left the mess on the table and departed from the library. "Edoline, lead me to Charlotte and converge on our position."

"Right away." In my mind, a path appeared, and I let my body follow the trail that Edoline fed to me. I kept my pace natural, only allowing myself to walk as fast as I deemed inconspicuous. My hand slid to my sword concealed within my coat, and I let it rest on the hilt as I walked.

"Mae, I've been made. You need to hurry."

I could hear the panic in Charlotte's voice. It wasn't just Dewitt here, not if she was this concerned. Why didn't I sense their arrivals? I would worry about that later. My attention needed to be on Charlotte.

Edoline led me to a back alley, and I started to run. I was close. It was wise of Charlotte to lead the eternals away from the public's eyes, which made my job a lot easier.

I jumped on a dumpster and pulled myself onto a fire escape before I continued running. I vaulted from one metal framework to the next, my steps silent as I approached. Charlotte was the first one I spotted. She walked down the alley, and a fair distance behind her was undoubtedly Dewitt. His posture was hunched, and a hat pulled low over his face as he pursued Charlotte. I noted a figure on the roof of my building, another on the adjacent roof. I instantly recognized the figure on the opposite building as Edoline. We didn't need any words in order to coordinate our actions.

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