Brela Chapter 9: Justin Keeswood

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"Here's another one for you, Gryph."

Mae handed him over to one man who walked up to us, Gryph, I assumed. I recognized the security symbol— a shield— on his jacket, the unit who oversaw the protection of MEPA's headquarters.

"You think locking me up will stop this? Any of this?!" The man demanded, lunging back towards our group of three as Gryph grabbed his arm.

"No, but it certainly will help," Gryph muttered, pulling the man closer. Gryph moved his grip from the murderer's arm to the handcuffs restraining him. Edoline, Mae and I watched as the security agent pulled the man with him.

"I am the Bringer of Death. I will not be stopped!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, death, destruction, chaos, the whole works. Heard it all before, get a better threat." Gryph rolled his eyes dramatically. "Come on Chatterbox. We've got a nice cell waiting for you."

The man finally listened, none too happy with being held prisoner.

Guess he shouldn't have killed the sword wielder then, I shrugged, watching as he was led towards the holding cells.

"Edoline, take Brela to the infirmary to get that arm checked out," Mae commanded, turning to us now. She took the weapons from Edoline after touching the small disk on her shoulder, turning the device off. The illusion dropped and the disk fell into Mae's open palm, revealing the leader of MEPA's true attire.

Edoline did the same as she nodded her head. I went to copy both MEPA agent's movements but noticed that my illusion was already gone. A fragment of the disk remained on my shoulder; the rest was gone. The sword had broken it when I had been cut. Regardless, I touched the rest of the disk and had it fall into my hand. I pocketed it, unsure of what to do with the shard of the disk.
"What are you going to do with those?" I asked, nodding my head towards the weapons that had belonged to the prisoner.

"They go to the science unit's department, where they will be stored, used, or broken down for parts," Mae said. She turned to leave. After a few steps, she paused. Turning around to look at me, she smiled. "Good job out there today." With that, she turned back around and continued, disappearing into the crowd.

"She does not pass comments lightly," Edoline said, stepping up beside me.

"I didn't do that well," I muttered.

"For your first mission, you did, compared to many others. Come on." Edoline shut down the conversation like that, heading off towards the infirmary. I trailed after her.

It wasn't busy in the pristine room. A few medical personnel bustled around, most just tidying up. A few tended to patients or helped others.

"Take a seat on one of the beds," Edoline said. I moved over to one and sat down, waiting patiently as I pulled my jacket off. It wasn't long before someone came over to me. Gingerly, I rolled my sleeve up, revealing my cut. I winced as the back of my hand grazed the cut.

"How bad?" I asked, looking at the red-haired lady. She looked up from my shoulder, shrugging as she answered.

"You won't need stitches, only cleaned and bandaged," she said. I let out a sigh of relief.

"What happens to the people we capture?" I asked, turning my attention to Edoline rather than the wound that was being treated.
"If it was an unintentional fracture, we give the person a stern talking to and inform them of the rules. If the person intentionally made the fracture, like our individual did, we take them into custody," Edoline said.

"Can you stop them from jumping?" I asked. There had to be another way then feathering them to a object.

"Yes. While off world, jumpers such as Mae can use their jumping abilities to counteract other jumpers. If the agent is not able to jump naturally, they use jump restricting cuffs or disks that stop jumpers, but they eventually run out of power. In MEPA, Wayne has developed a dampener for jumping that uses MEPA's power. If the jumper remains in the cell, they cannot jump anywhere. Wayne is working on a permanent solution for the cuff and disk power supply issue so that they can be used in case a jumper breaks out of the cell."

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