Mae Chapter 18: Warnings

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I looked around at the gathered crowd. Some of my best people sat in this room, chatting as they waited for me to speak. Behind me sat the seven unit leaders. After very little discussion, we had agreed that something needed to be done about the eternals, and fast.

Haruto, leader of the field agent unit, stepped up beside me. "There's a lot of worry," he said.

"I can tell," I said, looking at their faces. It wasn't hard to tell, the atmosphere itself was tense and concerned. No one knew why I had summoned them here, and why only these certain individuals. It was never a good sign when I requested only certain people.

"I wasn't only talking about them," Haruto said, looking at me. His blind eyes found mine, holding my gaze. With his sightless eyes, he was able to see more than anyone here. It was his gift.

I nodded my head, even though I knew he wouldn't be able to see my action. "I feel like this isn't going to be enough."

"It's a start. There will be more actions to come," he assured me. "You're a good leader, you'll get us through this."

"That's not what I'm worried about." I wasn't able to finish my statement before Team Igniatus entered the room and took a seat. Quickly, I excused myself from Haruto and stepped forward. Deep down, I was glad I didn't have to elaborate.

Instantly, the talking ceased, and all the attention was on me. My gaze slid over the faces, noting every expression. With a deep breath, I began.

"Thank you for coming," I started. "Recently, the eternals' activity, as you all can probably assume, has increased. The number of worlds conquered has risen at an alarming rate. In the past month, three more have fallen."

The mood dropped. A world gone was never good news. Billions of lives were taken with each invasion, innocent people who had no part in this war.

"Earlier today, Team 64 along with Edoline Myubbi, Brela Prenott, and Justin Keeswood discovered a scouting party on World 4. I have come to believe that the eternals not only have allied themselves with the half-eternals, but they are also targeting the worlds who know of MEPA, whether they are our allies or not.

"The only way to stop an invasion from happening is warning and acting as soon as the eternals try. We must divide and act fast." I held up a stack of envelopes, all addressed to the worlds who could possibly be in danger. "Each team here will be assigned to a world and so they can warn them.

"Team Igniatus," I called. A group of five rose, the members of the team I had called. Slowly, they made their way up to the front, Aliverata in the lead.

Despite not ageing myself, I found it somewhat uncanny to watch this young girl not age, or at least not at the regular pace as everyone else. I had Kheno—a small white dragon who now sat on the girl's shoulder—to thank for letting Verra join us. If not for Kheno, Verra would be without her incredible healing abilities, which had saved countless lives, and would age like everyone else.
The group arrived at the stage, arranging themselves in front of me as they waited for their mission.

"You'll be going to the hub," I said. "I know there aren't many there who trust us, but we have a few allies, and they need to be warned. Inside the envelope is a list of those individuals and their last known location. You need to find them and warn them."
I handed the envelope to the team's leader: Gloria Rosewood. The sword wielder nodded her head as she took the paper, her armour glinting in the light. Beside her Igniatus Drakeson— a pyrokinetic who the team was named after—and Wynnter Serpentson—a cryokinetic—were passing a look, already trying to figure out how many names were on the list and which of them could warn the most. The two were always trying to one-up the other, in a friendly way.

Celia, Justin's sister, rolled her eyes and grabbed the two friends, pulling them off stage and after Gloria and Verra. I was glad some people remained optimistic enough to still play around.

After the team had left the stage, I signalled for Gryph to rise. The security leader stood up from behind me, taking the letter I handed him.

"Siegefried and Boradon, you two are going with Gryph. You are to find as many vivifica as you can." The two men rose from their seats, joining Gryph as he walked towards the exit. No doubt Siegefried and Boradon were confused as to why Edoline wasn't accompanying them, but they kept quiet as they left to grab the supplies they needed.

Slowly, I called up more teams and members, handing out envelopes and letting them know the specific details for their missions. Finally, I finished the stack of paper. Fewer than half of the people remained.

"For the rest of you," I took in a breath and looked around at the remaining people. "I fear that the eternals may target your families." Worried looks were passed around, but I continued. "They know that you have loved ones back on your home worlds, and won't hesitate to use them should they need to in order to gain a foothold in this war. I know all of you want to leave right away, so I'll just say this; your families are welcome to come here if that is what you feel is the safest option. Do what you feel is right." As I finished, everyone rose and started to leave, heading to warn and protect their families.

"Team 64 and Edoline," I called, gesturing to the team. They all came towards the stage, Edoline and Haruto rising from behind me. "I want all of you to go to World 64. Not only is the leader of the world your father—" I looked at Donovan and Socorro— "And acts like one to others—" Cheryl and Zyair nodded— "But World 64 is one of our strongest allies. We can not afford to lose them." Edoline and Haruto nodded. "They need to be warned."

The team didn't need any more encouragement. Like that, they all left the room, no questions asked. I turned to look at the remaining unit leaders that sat behind me.

Wayne and Averial nodded their heads, knowing that I wanted them to find something to stop Zerbelgrim as soon as possible. They didn't need me to say anything before they left. That left Raymond, leader of the maintenance unit, and Magda. Both looked just as concerned as I was. Was this going to work? Would we be able to get to everyone in time? Or would the eternals beat us, like they always did?

Sadly, we all knew that answer would come with time, and that was the hardest part.

Suddenly, an alarm blared.

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