Brela Chapter 39: Origins

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The mess hall had surprisingly fewer people than normal this morning. Everyone was scattered across the room, taking advantage of the numerous tables, various foods and drinks in front of them. Some people had brought papers or books to read, study, or to make notes on. Others gathered with friends and family, chatting away as they ate breakfast. It was a pleasant sight, much better than what my world had been like: everyone glued to phones. That was something I didn't miss.

Despite the few inhabitants, I had a lot of people approach me and thank various deities that I was alive and okay. All of them wanted the details, and by the time I was done telling everyone separately, I had memorised the exact explanation.

If I have to tell one more person, I vowed.

It was beyond annoying, but I hid it. Footsteps approached me, and I suppressed a groan.

"Sorry I'm late." Celia sat herself across from me. Relief filled me, no more recounting the same event. Celia's face was bright with happiness, more so than usual. She placed a cup of tea and a bowl of porridge before her as she sat. It was a better breakfast than my own pitiful blueberry bar and cup of coffee, but it was better than nothing.

Justin had gotten mad at me when he had learned that I never ate breakfast, only having coffee. After only knowing each other for a day, he had laid into me on the benefits of having breakfast in our line of work. Ever since then, I always had something, no matter how small. He never said anything again, but I could tell anytime we met in the morning, he was always noting what I ate and how much.

I pushed the memory back, giving Justin's sister my undivided attention. I smiled at Celia. "No worries. Although, you could have saved me."

Celia instantly knew what I was talking about. "How many?" She asked.

"All of them." I rested my head against the table, a bit dramatic for myself. Celia tried to suppress her laughter at my reaction. After a huff, I sat back up and faced my friend. I rolled my eyes playfully. She just chuckled even more.

"Anyways... why did you want to meet?" I asked. We normally only met for supper, with Justin and her team. I couldn't think of what could have happened in the short few hours from dinner until now.

Celia beamed. All she did was hold up her left hand. On it sat a ring that hadn't been there last night.

My hands flew to my mouth, and I couldn't help but laugh, "Oh my gosh. Congratulations!"

"Thank you." Tears of happiness glistened in the corners of Celia's eyes. She wiped them away, beaming even brighter. I could tell she had been waiting for this for a long time. Igniatus and Celia deserved each other, more than anything else. They had been through a lot together.

"You have to give me details," I said, my own voice filled with joy.

"Igniatus asked last night after supper, as we were walking to his room. He did it right in the middle of the hallway; it was so sweet."

"Have you told Justin yet?" I pressed. I leaned a bit closer. I hadn't realised how much I missed having one-on-one girl time with someone. It had been a long, long while.

"Igniatus asked him for permission."

"Oh? How'd that go?"

Celia thought for a second, then nodded her head. "I'm pretty sure he gave him a talking to first, but considering that both of them are fine, no black eyes or split lips, I figure it went well." I could hear the sarcasm in her voice at the description.

"He's happy for you."

"I know." Celia smiled, nodding in agreement.

"And I am too. You deserve this, so much. You two are perfect for each other, and you've been through enough together."

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