Brela Chapter 31: Recalling Histories

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As soon as I knocked, I was unsure of why I was doing this. But it was too late to go back as, "Come in," invited me inside. I had no other choice but to open the door.

Justin was seated on the couch, papers scattered across the coffee table in front of him. He looked up from the book he was studying when I entered. I stopped by the door, slightly surprised. Instead of wearing MEPA's uniform like he always did, Justin was wearing a casual shirt and jeans. It suited him quite well, but I still couldn't help but be surprised.

I shook myself from the shock. "Sorry to intrude," I said.

Justin shrugged. "You're not intruding; it's all good. What's up?" Closing his book and placing it with all the papers, he rose from his seat and closed the distance between us with a few steps. I noticed that his hair was still wet, and I could smell the freshness of a shower on him when he approached me.

"I was just wondering if you had gotten called to the meeting yet. It's been a little over an hour now."

"No, but Mae is probably setting it up and discussing other matters with the leaders first. She'll call. Come, have a seat."

I followed Justin to the couch, sitting on the chair beside it. My eyes wandered around the room.

His living space looked like an actual house set up, with a divided kitchen and rooms. There was even a small hallway behind me.
"It's a family quarter," Justin explained, noticing my eyes looking around. "It has been in the Keeswood family since we first joined MEPA. I received it after my parents passed; Celia didn't want it."

"I didn't even know MEPA had something like this," I said, turning back to Justin.

"It is reserved for those who have families. Siegefried's third family had a place just down the hall."

"And Mae lets you stay? Even without a family?"

Justin shrugged, tidying the papers scattered across the coffee table into no specific order. "There's not a lot of families here, when compared to the number of family quarters, so Mae doesn't need to kick anyone out."

"Mae deals with that kind of stuff?" I would have thought that she had more important jobs than sorting out living quarters.

"Well, it's more the maintenance unit's job. I just say Mae because she runs the whole place," Justin said, a smile tugging at his lips.
I nodded my head. "So, what are you doing?" I motioned to the semi-neat papers still strewn across the table.

"I'm translating a book for the intel unit. They have a lot to do, so I like to help them in my free time. Their goal is to have all the books we have obtained translated into all the languages at MEPA. It's a little bit impossible, but we're working towards it."

"Only a little bit." I chuckled. "Your native language is English?" All the notes he had on the table were scribbled in English. He had another stack of paper, clearly his already translated work, in another language I didn't recognize.

"Yes. Between you and me, I think that was another reason why Mae assigned me to train you." At my slightly confused look, Justin continued. "I don't use a translator— I've never had the need to use one— so I just switch between the languages as they are spoken. It gets a little tiring, but I'm used to switching.

"I don't speak my language all that much anymore, just quick sentences here and there. Celia was the only one I spoke to in English and had a full conversation with, but it's not the same. Now, I speak English with you too."

"Do you think Mae was trying to keep you speaking your language?"

Justin nodded. It made sense and sounded like something Mae would do. It wouldn't surprise me if that had been a deciding factor for her.

"So, your family has been with MEPA for..."

"Five generations. Two hundred and three years," Justin helped.

"Have you ever thought about what your life would have been like if your ancestor hadn't agreed to join, and you had grown up in your native world?"

Justin leaned back into the couch, his arm resting on the back. My mentor answered after a second of thought. "Honestly, MEPA is all I've known. I'm a fighter, that's all I really know how to do, besides translating and such. Sure, I hate this war as much as everyone here, but it's my purpose in life, to defend the other worlds and preserve them. So, no, I haven't thought about it. Why do you ask? Are you having second thoughts?"

"No," I firmly shook my head. "Like you, this is the meaning behind my life now. I was just curious. I know—sorry, knew," I corrected myself. "A lot of people who didn't like the life they had grown up into, or the life they were expected to take on."

Justin nodded. "I did have doubts, but they were just based on a child's limited view of life, nothing more." Justin picked up on my past tense. ""Knew"?" He asked. "What happened?"

"My friends and I grew apart. It was nothing crazy," I said, shrugging. "It was a long time ago."

A doorbell echoed through the house.

"Come in," Justin yelled, tilting his head to look at the entrance. I swivelled in time to see Wayne open the door. He didn't step inside, just peeked around the doorframe.

"We're ready for you two," he said. Justin and I rose, Justin grabbing his jacket from the back of the couch before following Wayne and me out the door. We waited for him to lock it, then the three of us headed towards the unit leaders' meeting room.

The response from MEPA's members towards Justin and I was much the same, surprise and relief that were alive. The news hadn't travelled as fast as I had expected, so I was forced to suffer through the eyes watching me. Justin appeared to be unfazed by it.

The meeting room was in the maintenance unit's wing, just before the kitchens and supply rooms. Wayne held the door open for Justin and me, entering after us. Inside, there was a large circular table, ten chairs around it. Everyone looked at us as we entered.
Mae sat closest to the door, Averial and Edoline on either side of her. Gryph was beside the vivifica, with Wayne taking his seat to the right of the leader of the security unit. Magda's eyes looked to Justin and me, giving us a small smile. Haruto looked towards the door at our entrance, his unseeing eyes somehow landing directly on Justin and me. Finally, there was Raymond, whom I had never met, just heard of.

He was an older man, his hair completely white and some wrinkles appearing on his face. But despite his appearance, he had a lean build, the body of a skilled fighter and warrior. His posture was straight, and there was no weariness in his gaze. He gave me a nod when he noticed my gaze lingering on him.

Justin gently nudged me, snapping my attention back to everyone else. I followed him to the two empty seats intended for us. As soon as we took a seat, Mae spoke.

"Before we begin, I will inform you that everything here is being recorded. It will be placed in the library for the other members to listen to if they so desire.

"I have already retold your story regarding the destruction of World 4 and the details of your return. Instead of telling us that, could you please inform us about the half-eternal Razzerie, who escaped from our custody two days prior at around ten, by MEPA's time. Please include as many details as possible for the record, such as surroundings, dates, and all minuscule details; they may benefit us in the future. State your full name, units, and levels before you begin." I was slightly taken back at the way Mae spoke, with the utmost authority and no "if"s, "and"s, or "but"s.

Justin spoke up first, letting me have time to recover myself. "Justin Gregory Keeswood, level four field agent and level six intel."
"Brela Margret Rose Prenott, level three field agent," I said. Justin gave me a nod, so I started, knowing he would step in with any details that I missed or had recalled wrong. "Justin and I first encountered the half-eternal Razzerie on World 122. The mission took place during my second week at MEPA, taking place on July twenty-third at roughly eleven o'clock, and ending just after twelve.

"Justin and I were sent after Team Igniatus, their leader being Gloria Rosewood with Wynnter Serpentson, Igniatus Drakeson, Celia Keeswood, and Aliverata Lokken with her dragon Kheno as the team's members. The team had failed to report in, so we were to assess the situation and find the team..."

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