The rain finally stopped pouring at lunch. Sunoo and Jungwon had to walk to the cafeteria then go back to the respective building of their next class. It would be a hassle to walk while the rain is pouring, specifically since Jungwon doesn't have an umbrella and they had to share Sunoo's.

Once sitted in the cafeteria, Sunoo couldn't help but notice the familiar figure of a man by the table next to them. He was sitting with two other men and peacefully eating their meals.

“Who are you looking at?” Jungwon asked, following the direction of his gaze.

“Jake's table?” Jungwon asked again, looking back at his best friend.

“The one beside him,” Sunoo replied, averting his gaze back to his food. “He's the senior who forced me to share my umbrella.”

Sunoo couldn't help but to feel annoyed again.

“He's with Jake and Jay, he might be seriously famous too,” Jungwon said.

Sunoo looked back at the table.

“Yeah, I should just forget about what happened if I don't want trouble,” Sunoo said, nodding his head.

All he could do is kill the senior in his mind and glare at his back. Although he wanted to do something to ease his annoyance and get back at him, he wouldn't dare touch a famous student like them. Especially because he's in Jake's table—their group are known not only in the whole university but even outside.

And no, Sunoo didn't want any attention.


Jay nudges Riki's glass of water using the end of his spoon, making the younger look up at him.

“What did you do this time?” Jay asked.

Riki only looks at him confused. Jake looked up from his food as well and confusely stared at Jay.

Jay discreetly looks at the table behind Jake and Riki's.

“If glare could just kill, you're probably buried six feet under the ground already,” Jay said.

Both Jay and Riki looked behind them to follow Jay's gaze, the person on the other table looking away.

“Which one's glaring?” Jake asked, looking back at Jay.

Riki remained looking, familiarizing with the faces of the students sitting behind them until he notices one student. He looked back at his food and began eating again.

“Don't mind him, I did nothing serious,” Riki shrugged.

The two older laughs at him.

“You should seriously stop messing with other students. Isn't it enough for you to prank us for your daily entertainment?” Jake asked, still grinning wide.

“I'm sure, one of these days you'll get your fifth detention slips,” Jay said, shaking his head.

Riki pursed his lips.

“Three of them are because of you, Jay, and the first one is from the professor I mistook as a student,” Riki said. “Students never dare messing up with me.”

Jake only laughs, “You're really taking Sunghoon's influence for granted, huh?”

Jay and Sunghoon are cousins in the same age and Jake is their friend. All three of them are known around the university. Jay being the rich kid, Jake is the kind and intelligent one. Meanwhile, Sunghoon is the most known amongst them. He's pursuing his passion in figure skating all the while taking online classes. He was not just known inside the university but even nationally.

Their group is perceived as superior. Although Jake shows nothing but kindness, many student fears to get along with them. They are afraid that if they did something to irked the trio's mood off, they'd be expelled—or worst.

It's not just the three of them, though. Aside from Riki, who is Jay's illegitimate brother, there's also Heeseung. He is the university's heartthrob. The one who has every girl crushing on him, the talented vocal of the university's band. He rarely joins their lunch table and can be usually found in the university library.

While Riki, aside from being a prankster, there's nothing more about him. He's close to them which made the students think he's a superior too. Which is just right, since Riki is the youngest in the group and they are all ready to fight anyone who will say something bad about him.

However, Riki became too arrogant and mannerless since he turned eighteen. His rebellious phase is still going on and it didn't seem to pass anytime soon.


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