"That makes sense," I smiled.

"It does?" Dream asked,

"Well yeah, I have always thought you were sorta flirty but I didn't know if that was just your personality or not." I said honestly,

"oh I see," dream said looking puzzled, "I've never really flirted with anyone that's a friend."

I nodded, me and Dream continued walking to the car having a few random conversations on the way. Some were funny to where we had to stop to laugh and others were casual, I liked either one if I meant talking to dream more.

"Hey George?" Dream asked, "How are you doing?"

I felt my face scrunch a little at the question, mostly because of confusion but also because I knew what he was talking about. My thoughts.

Recently all my thoughts have been about is that me liking Dream is wrong, Dream thinks I'm disgusting, Dream hates me, he feels bad for me. Things like that, it always took a toll on my mood but with Dream I couldn't let it show or he'd ask. That wouldn't end well.

"I've been good." I said blankly, hoping Dream would believe. He scoffed.

"Get in the car," Dream demanded seeing we arrived at the car.

"okay..?" I was confused by him but I listened,

"George, you aren't good I know you aren't." I saw his eyes trail from mine, "I can tell."

I can tell.

What the hell, I wasn't being that obvious.

Idiot you're so weak.

My head was screaming at me and I couldn't take it, I felt my eyes well up with tears but I didn't want to cry in front of dream, not right now, not on the day he just asked me to be his boyfriend.

"George? are you okay," my apparent stress turned into tears falling down my face. I can't hold back anymore.

"I-I'm so sorry for ruining t-today," I said through my sobs.

♥︎☯︎Dream's POV☯︎♥︎

Shit. I sat next to George for a few minutes before getting out of the car and going to the passenger side, I had to comfort him before I cried too. It was my fault anyway so I have to make it better.

"George I'm so sorry," I say as I open the door.

George still sat there trying to calm down, he couldn't stop, I could tell his thoughts were getting to him. I felt so bad him.

"come here," I said gently grabbing his hand.

George stood up and I immediately hugged him. I felt so bad for making him cry, I knew how much his thoughts got after him and I should've thought through my words. 'I can tell' what kinda shit is that Dream.

Yeah real genius huh.

"Dream I'm so sorry, I know I ruined tonight with all-"

"George shut up, you didn't do shit and if anything I'm the one that ruined things with my dumbass plans and big mouth." George smiled weakly, I smiled too. Contagious.

"Dream I-"

I shushed him and his breathing slowly got back to normal, it made me smile.

"I'm so tired," George declared.

"Well you did just go on an amazing date with the best person in the-"

"Your ego is so.. it's too much right now so I'm going to need you to shut up." George giggled, I laughed at his words.

"alright I see how it is, I guess I'll just drop you off." George's eyes widened,

"No no no no no, I was kidding." I laughed,

"uh huh, totally." I laughed, "you're lucky you're my favorite."

"Yeah yeah, drive us home dream." George scoffed and rolled his eyes, I could tell he was happy. It made me happy.

We drove home quickly hoping to get home before dark, the sun was already setting so we had to hurry. At red lights though, George was the only thing I could see.

I glanced at him a few times before he caught me once, I smiled at him. George laughed.

"you love staring at me huh?"

"Huh- what- no, I don't know what you're talking about. You're crazy," I stuttered all of the place tripping over my words, it made George laugh.

"you're pretty too I guess," I felt my face warm, pretty?

Everything felt so odd right now, with George. I think I've wanted this for so long without realizing it until recently, now everything just feels so fake.

It feels like some kind of joke or Dream, I can't even describe with one word how I feel.

I looked around seeing the sunset almost gone and the house in the distance. I smiled,  finally the bed is getting closer.

"Dream," George said in an excited voice, it made me jump.


"you're my favorite," I saw his face blur up in red.

"you're my favorite too George, you really are." I said smiling, remembering the first time I saw him in the halls and the first couple hours I spent with him.

"Hey George," I said


"do you remember, our first lunch together?" I asked.

"Of course, it's the day I met you. I remember every detail."

"you do?" George nodded at my question, I smiled.

He's so amazing, how is he mine? His smile, his hair, his eyes, everything made me flustered. His presence made me feel like a fool.

I just can't believe this is happening, wait...

this is so weird to me, how all of this happened. This can't be real can it? It makes me feel so loved, I can't believe this has happened to me.

It just feels so... surreal.



That's the word.

1353 words

I love you all and tysm for reading all the way to here, you're truly amazing.


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