"Some relations with work and having money can get people around me hurt." He answered casually. Irene furrowed her dark eyebrows, confused by his vague answer. She wasn't going to ask any further about it since he didn't seem very open to talking about it.

"Oh." She went quiet. She glanced up to see him grabbing a ramen packet and he had put a pan on the stove filled with water to boil. Irene sat quietly and watched him while he started talking.

"How're you feeling now?" He asked, crossing his arms and leaning back on the counter.

"Clean." She answered, glancing down to see a text from Vasco.

"Health wise." He cleared up.

"Oh, I'm doing better. It's not as bad as it was." She answered with a laugh and rubbed the back of her neck.

"The doctors coming in tomorrow at 11:30. I have some things i need to get done, but i'll unlock it from 11:30-11:45. If there is anything wrong just call me, alright?" He asked. Irene nodded and drank some more of her water from a while ago. She was nervous to be left with a person without Gun. Her way of coping right now was to keep herself budy and distract herself. She didnt want to be left with her own thoughts.

"Do you eat late often?" She asked.

"Do you go to sleep late often?" He asked back. Irene smiled at the sarcasm and nodded.

"In all honesty, i don't sleep very often." She admitted and ran her hands through her hair and separating her knots.

"Same here. I really came down 'cause i heard you." He admitted back. She smiled and rolled her dark eyes at him and wrapped a gentle arm around her stomach to try and ease the pain of her laugh.

"Sorry." She apollogized and looked up into his eyes boring onto her.

"It's fine." He said and turned around.

"How long will you be out for?" Irene asked, fiddling with her fingers and making lines on her cups condensation.

"10 to 3 at most. How long do you want to stay?" He asked.

"Oh, im not sure. My brother is ghoing ot go see my mom a bit away, so i want to be able to catch up with him. I doubt i will, so tomorrow night for the longest. It really depends on what the doctor says." She answered and looked up to see him putting the package in the steamy water.

"So..?" He asked after her rambling something pretty usless to him.

"Sorry. My brother bought a bus ticket for me, so i'll see if i can make it and it can be rescheduled for a little later." She answered, still giving an uncertain answer. The truth to why Gun was asking was because he didnt want her to go. He didnt want to come home to an empty millions worth penthouse like he usually did. He wanted to come home to Irene and talk like they usually did.

"Wanna watch something until you fall asleep?" He asked.

"I promise you, you'll be the first one to pass out." She smiled, feeling warmer with Gun. She still wasnt used ot the fact she was almsot violated hours ago, but she was starting to come to the realization it happened and move past the shocked stage,

"Bet." He smirked and the two walked over to the couch together. Gun set the ramen on the table and walked over to get a blanket for the two of them. Irene sat down on the couch with her legs bent to the side and waited for GUn to come back. He picked up a soft grey blanket with a white spade like design on it. It was softer than any of the clothes Irene has ever worn before Jay came around and it was warm. Irene did not expect for Gun to sit right next to hger to the point she was sinking into him, but he didnt move away either. Neither did she.

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