I looked at George's face, he was focusing on the ring. I grabbed George's hand that he was fidgeting with, he looked at me. I smiled, so did George.

"yeah?" He asked,

"You're cute," I said and laughed as George turned away.


"Yes. You can't just turn away from me gogs, I complimented you." I said smiling,

"Fine." George grumbled and faced me, his face bright red.

"wow, easy to fluster I see." I said,

"whatever," George scoffed.

After a few different conversations and lots of laughs I got my food and George went quiet, I frowned knowing why.

"George," I started, "are you okay? I don't want you feeling uncomfortable," I said worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine just seeing. . . it. still makes me feel sick," George confessed.

"I'm sorry George," I felt bad for making him come here

"Stop apologizing you nerd, I don't want to do anything but thank you for this date." George smiled,

"well, I've had this planned for two weeks now." I claimed laughing,

"Two weeks? Wow who knew you could stay quiet," I rolled my eyes, "what?! It's literally so reasonable,"

"I told like three secrets of my friends to you," I said knowing fully I was completely lying.

"God did you go to kindergarten? because it seems like you think you only have three friends," George laughed.

"Okay Fine, I tell you everyone's secrets, but that doesn't mean I say everything on my mind." I scoffed jokingly,

"mhm," I could tell George didn't believe me.

"What can I do to show you I'm not lying," I said.

"Just actually nothing you cannot do or say anything to-"

I kissed George hoping to make him shut up and change the subject, only because I knew he was right.

"whatever dream, how's this years jacket coming along?" I smiled,

"It's good, you'll be getting one again as always." I said smiling,

"Yeah how did they even let you make one for me?" George asked, I shrugged.

"I don't really know if I'm going to be honest, I just asked for one extra I guess." I laughed,

"makes sense," George said.

"Hello guys I'm Cassie, and I will be your waiter today!" The waiter said happily, "can I start you guys with some drinks?"

"I'll have a coke," I said.

"basic," George said and laughed, "I'll have a lemonade."

"Just regular or do you want a different kind?" Cassie asked politely,

"Could I have huckleberry?" George asked smiling,

"Yes of course, those drinks will be right out!" I smiled,

After a few minutes we had our drinks and we ordered a shared meal. George knew he wasn't going to eat much so we agreed on Mac and cheese.

"Georgieee," I whined for no reason, I just wanted attention.

"yes dream?" George laughed,

"I have something to ask you," I said deciding to bring up Ranboo.

"hm?" George looked at me.

"so you know Ranboo right?" George nodded, "that's good, do you know anything about him?"

"Well I've heard his household is shitty, but that's all. He's a nice boy, I know Phil might adopt him."

I smiled, should I tell him? I don't know if I should bring up that I want to adopt him, it seems like a good time to me.

"so uh, I was thinking..." I hesitated, "maybe I or I guess we could adopt him when we're older? I know it's a lot but he-"

"Actually?" George asked, he looked excited.

"I mean if you're up for-"

"yes. I am completely up for it, Ran is such a good kid." George said with the biggest smile I've ever seen,

I didn't know what to say. I was full of so much excitement and at the same time I was so in love with George for another reason. He wanted Ran just as much I did, I couldn't keep a smile off my face.

We talked more about Ranboo and getting jobs, I remember that Karl was mentioning streaming and YouTube. Three years is definitely enough to start that up, plus that would be so fun.

About thirty-five minutes later I got my food, when I ate it my mouth blew up. It was so good it's not even funny.

"George."  I said, "this is so fucking good."

"Really?" He asked now intrigued to try it,

"uh yeah. it's so good," I said urging George to try it.

"Can I..." George trailed off looking away from my eyes, "can I try it?"

"Of course," I smiled watching George pick up a fork and try it.

George's hand was shaking horribly, he definitely needed some food. He looked at me for a second, I nodded and smiled hoping that would give him a little more confidence. George finally, after stalling, ate some of the macaroni. It was funny to watch his eyes light up.

"Holy shit, this is so good what the hell." George said getting more, I laughed.

"Told you!"

"yeah yeah whatever,"

I felt happy watching George eat real food, he seemed to be enjoying it too. I watched as his hand started shaking and he slowly put the fork down, I got worried.

"uh, I just have to go to the bathroom." George said smiling weirdly,

George started walking off and I finally processed his words, he's going to purge.

♡♛George's POV♛♡

I walked away from the table towards the bathroom, I couldn't handle the guilt of the food in my stomach. I had to get rid of it.

"George!" I heard Dream yell not too loudly.

"yeah?" I asked,

"George don't," I started to fidget with my hoodie.

"Don't what," I asked trying to act.

"please George, don't." He knew, how..

"But how-"

"George please come back to the table," dream begged, I gave in.

"Fine," I said.

"Thank you George," dream thanked and hugged me.


"Let's go to the table okay?" I nodded slowly,

We walked back to the table, Dream kept holding my hand. I think he was scared that I would walk back to the bathroom without him knowing, I probably would've if I'm going to be honest.

When we got back to the table Dream didn't let go of my hand, he just sat next to me trapping me in the booth. he does care.

he really does

Maybe I am worth it

just maybe

1579 words
Hey everyone! This isn't the end unfortunately... I still have so much to go through😭😭 but it's okay because.. I can do it. I hope lol. Have an amazing day and make sure to eat something and drink some water 🤍🤍

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