F o r t y E i g h t

Start from the beginning

"But aren't you...only guarding your face?" Zeus smirked and pulled his head to the side and Zack's forward. He raised his knee and rammed his knee into Zack's ribs like a full on truck.

He felt the crack. The crack of 3 of his ribs breaking.

"AHHH!!!" Zack screamed out like bloody murder in complete pain. Zeus grinned and bent down while he pulled Zack's head towards his own and the two staring into each others eyes. Zeus was sick and twisted. He was disgusting in every single way.

Zack started to falter and watched as Zeus's knee pulled up toward Zack's face. No!

"To your face." Zeus said, amused. His knee crushed in Zack's nose, causing it to splatter blood all over his knee and his thigh. It hurt so bad it was turning numb. It was so forceful that it was causing it to go numb. It wasn't just once either too. The blows went on and on straight into Zack's face. His nose was splattering more and more blood onto his knee and causing it to come straight back into his face.

"Noo!! Zack!!!" Mira screamed from the corner with tears dripping down her face onto the neck of her best friend sitting in her lap. Irene could hear him screaming and the other one repeating knee over and over with the following of the thudding drums against bone. She could only see Mira from a worms eye view crying and crying. Mira's gentle hand was stroking Irene's similar colored hair to try and soothe herself and Irene down. Irene wanted to cry and stand to try and help Zack, but her body would not move at her will. She was frozen with the excruciating pain waving through out her body.

She needed someone to save her from this hell.

Won Bin glanced over with his blood ridden and toothless face. He looked back to see the crying girl with a long sleeve grey shirt and bloody jeans in the corner with her friend's head sitting on her lap. Her friend was missing her glasses and her shirt and pants were torn off. Her stomach was turning a red color and her nose was still gushing out blood. She coughed and rolled on her side toward his view. Out came between her lips was a spray of blood sprinkling down on the tiled grey floor. Her teeth were coated with a red tint. He had to do something for the two of them. They were in terrible condition and this guy that came to help was getting in worse condition by the moment.

"Irene!" Mira cried throyugh her sobs, grabbing her friends face that had more blood dripping down her chin.

    "Ah! Now your arm is broken. Hehe!" Zeus smiled widely as he broke his grip away from the completely bloodied young man. "Shall i break this one too?"

    "Is there anyone?!" Mira screamed as she sobbed with Irene sitting up and held to her heart.


    "Zack!" Daniel called as the head of the group with his hand cupped around his mouth

    "Mira!" Zoe did the same toward the back as they looked out at the dark shadowed trees.

    "Irene!" Jiho called beside Zoe with both his hands cupped around his mouth.

    "They must be hanging out together! They must be just fine. They'll come back later." Doo tried to convince the group from the amount of running they were doing. The search territory was so wide. They couldn't wake up everyone over something so uncertain or it would look bad on their part since it was the middle of the night and the cops weren't here either. If they were wrong it would look terrible, but if they were right that would be worse.

    Daniel had a bad feeling about it from the moment Vasco said she left a while ago. She didnt have any other friends, so it wasnt like it would take her too long. His building wasn't far form theirs at all. The more he thought about it the more it scared him. This happened only about a week ago. His sister was found from a live stream and was about to get stabbed, but now she was about to get vioated? This was really going to have lasting effects on her if he was right.

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