~*Chapter 14: Liam*~

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(AN:This is how I picture Niall and Greg's house.)

As soon as I saw that bastard sitting on the steps I had to fight the need to pound his face into the ground.

"What the fook is he doing here?"

Niall was as shocked as I was. "I don't know why he's here. Shit! My mum's here too, Liam. She's gonna ask questions about what happened! What am I gonna tell her?" Niall just about started to cry.

I didn't have time to worry about his damn mother. I just wanted to know what this little prick was doing here waiting for my Niall. I mean, waiting for Niall.

"I'll get your stuff in the back, but let me help you out of the truck," I started to say, but Niall threw the door open and got out of the truck before I could stop him.

"Where the fook have you been all night, Niall? I've been worried sick about you!" Zayn said jumping to his feet and starting to walk over toward Niall. I reached in the back seat and pulled out his two bags and backpack. I so wanted to tell this douchebag not to talk to him that way, but I needed to stay out of this or I might end up in jail for kicking his arse.

"What are you doing here? Why are waiting on my porch for me? " Niall kept looking back at the house. What the hell was he looking at. Was he waiting for his mother to come out? I thought I saw someone standing in a window but I looked away when that little prick started yelling at Niall.

"Fook yeah, I've been waiting here for you. I was here last night waiting for you to come home but you never did. Where were you, Niall?" Zayn ask moving closer to Niall. I was standing behind Niall so I took one step closer to him and that stopped Zayn in his tracks.

Pussy bastard.

"I don't know why you're here, Zayn, and I have nothing to say to you. I'm sorry you waited for me, but we're through. I thought I made that perfectly clear yesterday after I saw you with Gigi. As far as where I've been... well, that's just none of your business," Niall said with his shoulders straight and square. Good boy. Stay strong... I hear his voice crack while he was talking but I was so fooking proud of him.

Just then that little bastard laughed and looked at me. "What, were you out fooking this guy because I wasn't good enough for you to fook, Niall?" He didn't just say that to him.

I immediately dropped Niall's bag's and backpack and went straight after that fooker. I had him pinned up against the house before he even knew what hit him. It took all of my strength not to beat the shit out of him for talking to him that way.

"You better apologize to him right now you fooking bastard," I said as I held him in my grip. I heard Niall behind me let out a gasp.

"Oh my god, Liam, don't he's not worth it please don't just let him go. I'm done dealing with him." Niall was trying with all of his might to pull my arm off Zayn's neck with his good hand.

"Niall, I'm not letting someone talk you like that. So please I need you to stand back. I'm not letting him go until he apologizes to you.

I could hear him trying to say something so I let up on my hold just a bit. "I want you to apologize to him and to tell him you'll never bother him again or I'm going to come after you with a few of my friends and Niall's brother," I said up against his ear.

"If you'd let me go,I'll tell him. Just let me go. I can't breathe, dude." So I pushed of the fooker and stepped back a few steps. I stood next to Niall and waited for the bastard to catch his breath.

"Um, Niall I didn't mean what said and I shouldn't have said it. Will you give me a minute to explain something if not I understand I'll leave now." He ask making Niall nod. "Thanks,Ni, I'm mad and upset but not at you at myself for doing something so dumb. And I am truly sorry for causing you pain and I'm not that this makes what I did right or that I'd do it again or anything, but I feel like we were more friends than actually boyfriends. Not because I didn't want you but because you never let yourself actually go to have any more feelings for me. But I am sorry Ni, for everything and if I'm wrong about how you felt I'm even more sorry. But I won't bother you again." He says pushing his self of the wall. "Zayn?" Niall says getting his attention and surprising us both. When Zayn turns around I can see he's close to tears, surprising me.

I'll always want you!  On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara