~*Chapter 61: Liam*~

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I woke Niall up with a tray full of his favorite breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, bacon and orange juice. I thought for sure he'd have woken up with all the noise I was making trying to cook it all in that tiny kitchen. Watching him sitting there eating I couldn't pull my eyes from him. I kept seeing that ring on his finger and I had to fight back the tears every time. He was gonna be mine soon.

Niall insisted on cleaning up all the flower petals even though I told him I paid Aaron and Jenny generously to take care of all of it. We made love two more times that morning and I wasn't even sure how I was able to get my dick to work so much the last twelve hours but I wasn't going to complain about it.

After we had things cleaned up to Niall's satisfaction we made our way out to the Jeep. Niall was practically skipping the whole way. The sight of him so happy made my chest swell. I wanted him to feel loved and wanted every damn minute of every day. Just then Aaron and Jenny drove up, right on time. Niall's started to jump up and down when Jenny walked up to him. Jenny grabbed Niall's hand and looked at the ring as they both let out a small scream. Then she leaned in asked Niall something. Niall turned bright red and looked over at me. He turned back and said something to Jenny that caused a huge smile to spread across Jenny's face.

Aaron walked up and handed me a huge ass box. I sat down on the porch steps and called Niall over.

"I have one more Christmas present for you sweetheart." Niall turned and looked at the box I was holding. He came and sat down next to me and smiled.

"What is it?!" He asked filled with excitement.

"Well, the only way you are going to find out baby is if you take the lid off!"

Niall reached over and took the lid off and a 7 week Great Dane popped his head up. Little guy looked liked he had been sleeping.

"Ohhh! Oh my god! Is he MINE?!"

I started to laugh. Damn he was so fooking cute.

"Yes, baby he's yours."

Niall reached in and lifted him out of the box and started to hug him. Aaron and Jenny looked on as Niall smelled every inch of him and said how wonderful he smelled. His smell senses and mine were clearly different.

He looked at the ribbon that was tied around his neck. The note I wrote was tied onto it. He took the note off and put the puppy down. Little guy went right over and peed in the grass.

"Oh sure now the little fooker goes to the bathroom in the grass!" Aaron said.

Niall started to read the note out loud.

"Dear daddy, I'm here to help papa watch over you and protect you and love you like there is no tomorrow. Love, Watson."

Niall turned his head to look at me. Those blue eyes were filling with tears as he leaned over and kissed me. He pulled away from my lips just a little and smiled.

"Thank you.....I love him and I love that you remember every single thing I say to you Liam Payne . I love you so much!"

"I love you too Niall , more than you will ever know."

It was 11:00 in the morning by the time we got back up to the ranch house. Niall looked nervous as he was holding Watson in his arms while the little bastard slept in total peace. Lucky arse dog.

"What's wrong sweetheart? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"Holy shit Liam ! Your grandparents are going to know that we had......that we had......SEX!"

I started to laugh my arse off! Fook he really was so damn cute.

"Niall , we're adults, they knew what I was planning all along. Believe me; I got the lecture from them about protection yesterday before I took you to the cabin."

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