~*Chapter 33: Niall*~

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AN: I have nothing against Briana and Freddie is a little Louis. This is all just for the story.

I stood as there Liam looked at me. No, he was staring at me like he was trying to crawl into my soul. Then slowly that crooked smile of his spread across his face. My heart started to pound. There was something so different about the way was looking at me. I felt kind of bad because I know I just turned him on big time by dancing with him like that. Louis had requested that song it was perfect timing for it to start because Liam had just walked out. He looked angry when he first came out and I knew I had to set his mind at ease.

When I first heard Seth say that about Liam sleeping around I started to panic, and I felt a little sick to my stomach. Harry pulled me outside and him and Olivia set me straight. I knew Liam had been with guys before me. Greg had already told me Liam never had a real serious relationship and dated maybe four or five guy off and on the whole time he'd known him. I didn't for one moment think he slept around.

I looked over at Harry, who gave me thumbs up along with a smile. Ok, I wasn't the only one who noticed Liam's moment of not being able to move.

"So, do you wanna get that beer and have a seat?" I asked trying to yell over the music that was now playing again.

Liam just kept looking at me. "Liam? Hello?"

Harry walked up and leaned into me and shouted in my ear. "I guess all the fooking blood left his brain and went to his dick!"

I couldn't even say anything to that. All I could do was laugh because I think he was right.

"Liam!" I shouted

"Yep...ok...yeah...um...let's get a beer and sit down. I need to fooking sit down."  Liam said walking over to where Greg and Louis were sitting talking to some guy with his back facing us.

When we walked up, Liam reached into the cooler and grabbed two beers. He handed me one as he sat down. He reached up and grabbed my waist and pulled me down onto his lap. I guess this will be his new favorite way to sit with me. I let a giggle because it sure was my new favorite way!

Just then I heard his voice. It almost made me throw up in my mouth.

"Jesus Liam, you ought to think about getting a room next time you try to practically fook Greg's little brother on the dance floor."

Greg and Louis spun around looking at Michael, then at me and Liam. Then I noticed Briana sitting next to Louis. Oh shit. I immediately looked on the dance floor for Harry. He was dancing with some guy and Matilda and Charlie.

Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!

I gave Louis a "What the fook are you doing" look.  He just looked back at me then back toward Harry.

"Fook off you bitch," Greg said to Michael.

Wow! I wasn't expecting that.

"Yeah Michael, I don't remember sending you an invite. You or your little whore of a friend here," Liam said downing his beer.

"LIAM!" I said as looked at him in shock.

"I'm sorry Niall, that was rude of me wasn't it? Why don't you all go on over there and say hi to Seth and the rest of his group of friends. I'm sure they'd love to party with you all.

Michael just glared at me. Why was he giving me such a dirty look.

"Liam's right Briana, it's time you moved along," Louis said reaching for another beer, and handing Liam another one. Boy Liam and Louis were drinking a lot tonight.

"Louis! You haven't even called me since, well you know since we... Why? I thought we had something going?" Briana said with a whine in her voice.

Greg looked at me with wide eyes.

Louis sat up straight and looked nervous as hell. I followed his eyes and saw Harry walking over with Olivia. He had yet to notice Briana standing there.

"I think I'd be best Briana if you just move on and forgot about that night. That was a mistake it's never gonna happen again."

Louis never took his eyes off Harry the whole time he told Briana to basically shove off.

"Wait one minute. Wait just one fooking minute. Do you like this arsehole or something? Did you fooking use me to make him jealous?" Briana ask making Greg laugh, and Briana glare at him.

"We had something, Louis. Why can't you just admit that their was a connection?"

Harry now was standing directly in front of Louis looking at him. He slowly looked at Briana when she called Harry a arsehole.

Liam leaned over and whispered in my ear. "And I thought I was the only one who wanted to beat someone's arse tonight. Harry looks ready to rip her hair out!"

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Briana come on, he's not worth it. Let the little boys try and play with the big boys. Come on, I see Seth Boyd is here. Let's go have some fun," Michael said trying to pull Briana away.

"No! I wanna know right now you motherfooker. Did you use me?" Briana shouted at Louis.

Louis ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Harry did something I was not expecting him to do.

He walked closer to Louis and started to laugh at Briana.

"It's a damn good thing this little boy knows how to play with big boys isn't that right, baby?" Harry said as he walked over sat down and straddled Louis and then kissed the living shit out of him.

I wasn't the only one who sat there stunned.  Greg was sitting there looking at Harry with his mouth wide open.

"Holy fook!"Liam said with a laugh.

Briana just stood there for a second and watched as Harry kept up the kiss. Louis sure wasn't stopping Harry as he reached up and cupped his face.

When I guess she'd seen enough, Briana looked at Michael. "Come on, let's leave."

Harry pulled a away from Louis and looked up at Briana and smiled. Louis just sat there staring at at Harry with a very confused look on his face.

"You can fook off Louis. Don't ever call me again you motherfooker. I hope you enjoy your little boy!" Briana said stomping off with Michael right behind her. They went through the back gate, so they must've been leaving the party for good.

Harry watched them leave then turned to look at Louis. He smiled down at him.

"You're welcome!" He said hopping up and grabbing a beer.

"What...the fook was that all about?" Louis asked trying desperately trying to control his breathing.

Harry shrugged. "You obviously wanted her to leave you alone so, I just gave her a reason to leave you alone. No big deal."

Louis sat there a minute with his hands running through his hair and then down his face. He looked over at Harry and then back toward the house.

"Umm, I need to go check on something," Louis said jumping up and making a beeline for the house. Harry looked over at me, Liam and Greg. Making us all laugh.

"Well played Mr. Styles.....well fooking played," Greg laughed taking his beer and hitting against Harry's.

Harry smiled at me and gave me a wink.I just shook my head.I knew what he was doing.

Poor Louis, didn't stand a chance.

AN: I hope you all like the story I think Im gonna do the whole wanted series if  that's something you'd like let me know. So I can be sure and do it, also please leave me some feedback. And vote.

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