~*Chapter 57:Liam*~

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I walked into the ER waiting room and instantly saw Greg,Denise Louis and Harry oh man, holy shit they all looked bad. Greg jumped up and started walking over to me. Fook......he started crying......oh god no......please don't take him from me........

He just slammed into me and hugged me and cried.

No.......Niall .....

"Greg, please tell me he's okay......please tell me he's okay, please."

He was just crying and Louis and Harry came up and stood to the side of us.

We haven't heard anything in about an hour or so. The last thing they told us was they were taking him to surgery to repair his broken arm. His ribs are bruised but not broken and they said he has a concussion. He's been unconsciousness since they brought him in but they did a CT scan and there were no signs of head trauma thank God."

Greg pulled away and walked back over to the chair he was sitting in. I practically had to hold him up, he felt like he was going to collapse any minute.

"If his head injury isn't that bad why hasn't he woken up?"

"I'm not sure. The doctor said something about his body trying to help him heal or something. I really wasn't paying attention I was in a fog when they were talking to us."

I walked over and sat next to others. Fook he looked bad.... You could tell even Louis had been crying but was trying to stay strong for Harry.

"I must have missed some fight. I hope Seth looks worse than you do."

Greg and Louis both looked at me and smiled. "Yeah he looks worse. He's lucky Charlie pulled us off of him. I'm pretty sure we won't be allowed back in Club M though."

I tried to smile. I couldn't stop thinking about my Niall, all alone. Was he awake after the accident? Was he scared?

Just then the doors opened a tall guy dressed in scrubs came walking out and Greg jumped up.

He told us that Niall had a pretty bad broken arm. It was broken in two different places so they had to put in pins in to help the bones stay stable. He didn't have any internal bleeding, but he had a concussion. He said something about memory loss being a possibility but he thought he'd make a full recovery. They would be moving him up to a room in about an hour and half.

Thank you God......thank you for not taking him away from me......

I was sitting on the sofa with my eyes closed when I heard the nurse come in again. Another four hours must have passed already if they were checking his vitals again. This time I just acted like I was asleep. I was shocked that the stupid bitch was flirting with me when my boyfriend was laying in a hospital bed unconsciousness. Once she left I got up and pulled the chair Greg had been sitting in closer to the side of the bed.

I had finally talked Greg into going back home and taking a shower and getting some real food. Louis finally convinced Harry to go home and take a shower.We'd all had been sitting in Niall's room for the last 24 hours straight. When was he gonna to wake up? I was starting to get scared. Harry had been reading out loud to him most of the day.

I just really needed him to wake up.

I had a terrible fear he was going to wake up and remember everyone but me. I took his hand in mine and tried to kiss it. His left hand had all the tubes and shit coming out of since his right hand was in a cast.

I put my head down on the bed and just started talking to him again.

"Niall sweetheart.....please wake up baby. I need you to wake up baby. I need to tell you how much I love you. You mean the world to me and I cannot live this life without you in it. You have to wake up so we can start planning our life together, you and me out at the ranch baby. I've been talking to Gramps and Grams a lot about us Niall . I want to marry you sweetheart and spend the rest of my life loving you."

I thought I felt his hand move in mine. Then I heard his sweet voice.



I looked up and he was looking right at me. His beautiful blue eyes looked directly into mine and we just held each other's gaze. He smiled that smile of his that just about brought me to my knees each time.

"Niall .....oh baby! You're awake! Wait, what were you trying to say sweetheart?"

I reached up and pushed the nurses call button.

"I said ok."

His voice was so soft, almost like he was having a hard time talking. He must have been confused..... why was he saying ok?

"Ok to what Niall?"

"To marrying you and spending the rest of your life loving me, that's what I heard you say right?"

Holy hell........ I wanted to grab him and just kiss him. I loved him so damn much and he must remember me because he wouldn't be saying yes to marrying a stranger........would he?

I smiled at him and got up and leaned over and gently kissed his lips.

"Yes, sweetheart, that's exactly what I said."

The nurse walked in and saw that Niall was awake. She started to ask him if he was hurting anywhere. Niall said his head and his right arm was hurting and his sides.

Another nurse walked in and they started messing around with Niall and taking some of the wires off of him.

I sent a text message to Grams, Greg ,Louis,and Harry to let them know Niall was awake.

"Are you hungry Mr.Horan?" The nurse asked.

"Um, I think I'm thirstier more than anything right now."

I jumped up and told them I would go get some ice water but the nurse told me ice chips would be best for now. When I was walking out I heard Niall ask the nurse how long I had been there because I looked like shit.

I had to laugh to myself.......he was going to be ok. We were going to be ok.

AN:Please vote and give me some feedback I love to hear your comments.

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